Stranger in Valentine

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In the beginning it made sense. The shootings. The robbing. The money. It had become your lifestyle, even though you didn't have much of a choice. Always moving from town to town, camping in secluded areas. To others, you lived like savages, but to you, it was the only way to live.

Being young it was hard to understand why they were taken away. Maybe it was because they've killed, or maybe it was just the wrong place at the wrong time sorta thing. No matter what it was, you still couldn't understand it. The other thing that made no sense at all, is why you lived. Was it because you were just a kid?

Your mind began to fog as you thought about that night, barely paying attention to the trail in front of you. The sight of them dead had changed you. Maybe for the better, or for the worse. You couldn't tell yet.

Of course you were used to seeing bloody scenes, your parents were bounty hunters for christ sake, but nothing you saw could've prepared you for that. What was left of their bodies swinging from the trees above where you laid sleeping. Their limbs scattered among the grass as their organs were dangling, dripping blood onto your tent. No trace was left of who had done it, or why. They just left you to wake up to the horror.

You gripped the reins of your horse tighter, digging your nails into your palms as the images came to your head. 7 years ago now. That sure was something for a 14 year old to see.

You tilted your head back to look at the sky above you. The sun had already set, leaving the sky dotted with lights and the moon hiding behind a thin set of clouds. "Just a little bit until Valentine." You looked around at the deserted land around you, watching the sudden movement at the animals scurrying from the sound of your horse. The lights from the town had just come into view as you headed over a small hill.

You followed the trail down the hill towards Valentine, getting closer to the lights that lit up the small town.

There wasn't a lot of movement at night that you could make out as you approached Valentine. There were a couple of people wandering the streets, turning their heads as you trotted through the town.
"Little late for you to be out?' You passed a man with a drink in his hand, stumbling around in the road. "Worry about yourself." You shot him a small smile as you rode to the wooden posts outside the small saloon.

You held the reins of your horse, tying them around the wooden post. "How much you cost huh?" The man made his way towards you, throwing the glass bottle to the ground. "I'm not for sell ya fool." You patted the dark mane of your horse, avoiding eye contact with the man.

"Ah come on-"

"The girl said she wasn't for sale." Another voice came from near the saloon. A man stood outside the saloon, holding a cigarette to his lips. He had a dark brown gamble hat sitting on top of his shaggy, ash brown hair.

"I'm uh just having some fun, that's all." The drunkard stumbled as he walked towards the man. "Why don't you fuck off, then?" The man removed the cigarette from his lips and flicked it onto the ground.

"Alright cowpoke, keep your gun in your holster." The drunkard stumbled away, giving you one last look before disappearing into the alley beside the saloon. "Thank you mister." You nodded your head in thanks and walked up the steps of the saloon. The man entered the saloon with you, heading to the furthest side of the bar and removing his hat from his head. You sat down on the opposite end of the bar, crossing your arms on the counter top. "What can I get for ya miss?" The bartender turned to you as he handed the guy beside you a drink.

"I'll just have a whiskey." You dug into your pockets and pulled out the few coins you had left. You moved the coins around in your hand with your thumb and tossed them onto the counter. You watched as the bartender poured the drink. He had a long, graying beard, matching his patchy gray hair.

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