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You sat on the porch, rocking back and forth in the chair as you listened to the sound of birds and the swaying of the axe. Your eyes rested on Arthur, his sleeves rolled up above his elbows as he held the axe firmly in his hands.

He swung the axe, landing right in the middle of the wood that was perched on the tree stump. His hair had grown a bit longer since you'd been living in the house and his freckles began sowing more now that he was working in the sun all the time.

You relaxed in the chair, your arms hugging the small bundle in your lap. You peered down at the bush of light brown hair curled up in your lap. You ran your fingers through the hair and a face peeked up, staring at you. 

The small boy stretched as he sat up in your lap, burying his face into your chest. "Come on Ezra, it's almost time for dinner." You pressed your lips against his forehead as your hand fell to your stomach, feeling the small bump that was beginning to grow.

You rubbed your stomach as you watched Arthur finish chopping the last bit of wood. He dropped the axe beside him, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead to wipe the sweat away. 

He turned towards you, giving you a small smile as he began to make his way up the porch of the house. "Give your mom a break boy." Arthur laughed as he grabbed Ezra up, carrying in his arms. Ezra stayed quiet as he closed his eyes and pressed his head against Arthur's shoulder.

"Look at you." Arthur pushed your hair out of the way and placed a kiss on your lips. Before he pulled away, he gently placed his hand on your stomach and rubbed his thumb in circles. "This is one hell of a life, Y/N Morgan." He removed his hand from your stomach and looked to the small ranch that you had built up.

The newly built stables that held your horses, along with the small pen that held pigs and goats. "It's worth it." You let out a heavy breath as you patted Arthur, leading him and Ezra inside. All those years, it was worth all this.


Venom (Arthur Morgan x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now