Just a Kid

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Several days had passed since your trip to the saloon with Arthur. Since then, he's been around you more often when he's in the camp. Of course you couldn't avoid the looks from the girls in the camp, knowing your true feelings for him.

You sat outside your tent, sharpening your hunting knife, twirling it in your hand as you scraped the piece of metal against the blade of the knife. Arthur hadn't talked to you all morning, which was unusual. Normally he had something to say even if it was just a simple 'hey'.

You looked around the camp, spotting John and Abigail having an argument, which was a usual occurrence. Pearson was cooking up the stew for the day, and young Jack was playing around in the dirt.

Arthur was nowhere to be found. You knew he was in the camp, since his horse was still near the hitching posts.

You stood up from your spot outside your tent and began walking over to Arthur's tent. "Arthur?" You asked as you stood outside the tent. You hesitated before making the decision to move the opening of the canvas.

You frowned as you peeked into his tent, only to be greeted by emptiness and silence. "Where the hell is that man?" You looked around the camp for any sign of him, but you couldn't spot him. He could have been down at the river or doing some chores, but he had done everything the previous day.

You made your way over to the large tent that Hosea and Dutch slept in. The canvas was closed which was unusual during the day time. As you got closer, you could hear voices coming from the tent. They were muffled at first and you were unable to distinguish who was talking.

You looked around to make sure no one had their attention on you, before ducking down and leaning towards the tent. The voice had become clearer now and you could make out Dutch's voice as well as Micah and Arthur.

"Listen, Arthur. I lead this gang so it's my choice who goes on what trips." Dutch sounded upset, more than usual. "I know and I ain't doubting you, I just don't think it's the right time." Arthur said, his voice calm, yet stern. "This trip is already rushed cause Micah here is planting those ideas in your head. The last thing we need is bringing more people into this mess."

"You're full of doubt Arthur. Always doubting Dutch and my ideas." Micah scoffed as he moved around the tent. You could see their shadows moving around the tent. Arthur was easy to pick out because you were used to his figure by now and his hat sat on top of his head.

"She's going on the trip, like it or not Arthur. You're the one that said she's a good shooter. We need everyone we can get this time." Dutch raised his voice as he stepped towards Arthur. You sat there stunned for a minute. She? It clicked in your head when you realized they were talking about you. Sadie's a good shooter as well, but they never bring her on any trips.

You moved in closer to the tent, practically pressing your whole body to the canvas. "Dutch! She's just a kid! She shouldn't be going to rob this stupid bank just yet! You're doing this on a limb!" Arthur's voice got louder, catching you by surprise.

"You say she's just a kid, but you're in love with her! Stop trying to act like a tough guy and let her do the goddamn job!" Dutch yelled this time and you slowly inched away from the tent. You shook your head as you tried to sort out what you had just heard. "In love?" You whispered to yourself as you leaned in to listen again.

"I just don't want her gettin' hurt that's all. Especially since this is yours and Micah's idea." Arthur said this time in a quieter tone. "If ya love her so much, give her the choice. Walk out there right now and ask her. If she says yes, she's coming." Dutch said and Arthur's shadow moved to the front of the tent.

You panicked as you heard the canvas begin to move around. "Shit." You cursed as you looked around for something to do. You dashed towards the middle of the camp, deciding on the empty table, jumping into one of the seats and kicked your feet up onto the table. You looked out of the corner of your eye to see Arthur stomping out of Dutch's tent as Dutch and Micah watched on.

"Y/N." Arthur said firmly and you looked to your left. He stood beside you, tensed up and his arms crossed. When you looked up at him, removing your feet from the table, you could see his body and face relax. "What can I do for ya?" You asked as you smiled up at him.

"Dutch is planning some bank heist. It's supposed to get us a ton of money..." He trailed off as he looked down at you. "Uh, he wants you to join but I wanted to check to make sure you'd be comfortable with that?" He looked behind him to Dutch and Micah, who were grinning from ear to ear.

"Do you think I should?" You stood up to face Arthur. He scratched the back of his neck as he looked down at you. "Why would it matter what I think?" He asked, obviously getting nervous around you.

You chuckled a bit at the sight of the flustered man. "You're the only one who's seen me shoot. You know my capabilities so, do you think I'm ready?" You asked as Arthur thought for a minute. "You're a good shooter and I trust you can hold yourself together." Arthur said and you nodded your head. "Then I guess I'm going." You patted Arthur on the shoulder and walked away.

You felt giddy as you thought about the idea of going on a bank heist, especially with Arthur. The women never get to join in on these things. You've had your experience stealing, but never a whole heist since you've always been alone.

"Y/N!" You heard Arthur call after you and you whipped around to see him heading towards you. "Just, stay by me and don't listen to a damn word Micah says." Arthur looked back at the guy as he disappeared into Dutch's tent. "You know I'd never listen to him."

Arthur nodded and slowly backed away. "I'll see you when it comes time for the heist then."

Venom (Arthur Morgan x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now