The End

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I opened my eyes lights flashing in my eyes my body felt so stiff I could barely move. I felt my hand being grabbed I was confused.

"Hello can you hear me Ms.Sydney?"

I looked around and I was in the hospital. I was confused why was I here, I looked over to my right to see who was grabbing my hand it was a older looking woman I recognized her but I just didn't know.

"Can you hear me." The doctor asked

"Yes." I said very low I could barely speak

"Sydney you have been in a coma for 32 years now." The doctor said

I couldn't believe what I was hearing it was all to much how could this have happened. What happened

"32 years how did I get into a coma."

The doctor gave me a saddened look "You tried to kill yourself you shot yourself in the head. Surprising you didn't die but fell into a tragic coma you've had health problems We wasn't sure that you were going to make it. And your speaking fluent which isn't very likely for patients when they get out of a coma. We have many test to run but I'm glad that you came to." The doctor said

I felt like crying 32 years in a coma I've missed so much then I realized I was pregnant "My baby what happened to my baby."

The doctor smiled "The miracle baby."
He nodded his head towards the door. There stood this tall man who looked so much Like Carter I got up slightly. He walked over slowly "Nice to meet you." He said with such a deep voice

I looked into his eyes I sat up even more I brought my hand to his face. " I'm so sorry." I said

"I've forgiven you." He said hugging me I grabbed him tightly

Then I realized it was someone else in the room "Hello do I know you."

I said as my son let me go. The lady got up from the chair tears dropped from her eyes "it's me Serena." I gasped

She looked much older she was really beautiful still I can't believe I didn't recognize her. "Serena." I said "Im sorry for what I did."

She shook her head "Stop forget about the past."

I looked back up at my son "what is your name."

"CJ which stands for Carter Jr." My eyes watered

"I raised him while you were away I knew it was what you would've wanted."

"Thank you so much Serena." I said pulling her into a hug

"What about terrance? How is he Doing did you ever have your kid"

"Terrance is fine we've been through a lot but we've been married for 15 years now we have 3 children together two boys and one girl."

"I'm so very happy for you. Sorry I wasn't there." I said as Serena shook her head

"What about you Cj are you married any children."

"No I am not married but I do have a baby on the way." He said making me smile

"Wow I can't believe I missed so much, 32 years I've given birth to a baby in a coma I've missed my bestfriend's wedding and birth of 3 children." The sounds on the machine started beeping loudly

The doctor walked back in "Sydney you need to calm down."

"Maybe you guys should come back tommrow." The doctor said to Serena and Cj

The both grabbed things from the chair "We'll be back tommrow mom." Cj said

"I love you and I'll see you very soon." Serena said

They both left the room I laid back down

"We have plenty more test to run Sydney so sit tight feel free to get some rest."

"I've been resting for 32 years. May I go to the bathroom?"

"Yes I'll help you onto your feet." He walked around lifting me off the bed onto the floor. It felt so weird walking but I kinda got the hang of it "I think I got it." I said to the doctor

"You sure?"

"Yea." He let me go and I walked slowly to the bathroom I closed the door behind me. I looked into the mirror I was very pale I was now 49 years old I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. as I looked in this mirror I didn't even recoginze myself so much has changed and it was all my fault

I stared in the mirror when Carter appeared "Sydney still very much beauitful even after all these years." I turned to look at him

"Carter is it really you." I turned around from the mirror. He stood there in all smiles

"Yes Sydney I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and my son."

"Carter I miss you so much."

"Sydney its not a second that dosent go by that I don't miss you, but we'll reunite one day and until that day you must go on with your life. I have to go but remember I love you." Carter said

And in just one blink he was gone. It was knocking on the bathroom door "Sydney are you alright who are you speaking to?" The doctor asked

"I'm alright and sorry I talk to myself sometimes." I said as I opened the door

"it's fine maybe you should get some rest while we prepare to run some test."

I went and laid down on the bed "I love you to Carter."


This is the end I know I had some of you fooled but yes I know what your wondering you can have a baby in a coma? Yes you can actually it's a C section ofcourse but yes it is very much possible.

I hope you enjoyed the ending and for those of you who didn't I could care less ain't nobody ask you to read my shit in the first place 😭 but thanks for the views anyway and Much love to the supporters until next time

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