changed ?

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Picture of Serena on the side

(Carter p.o.v)

I sat here sulking its been about 3 week I've been to school and didn't see Sydney,Stacey or even Terrance I got a feeling they're all dodging me I say I don't give a fuck but I honestly do care how did I manage to lose my girl and best friend in the same week?

Lately I been so focused in my trap getting business done but it seems like no matter how hard I try niggas always feel the need to fuck with me I handle business I send messages but people always feel the need I mean does my kill record not tell people what they need to know I'm not to be messed with. I was actually on my way to kill yet another person who thinks they can steal from me.

I walked into the traps basement where Rick sat somebody who've I've actually trusted with some very important information and turns out he went back and told someone who's working on bringing my trap down everything I've worked hard for.

"Ahh Rick how are you doing?" I sat down looking him in the eyes I snapped my fingers letting my men know to remove the muffle from his mouth, even after the removel of the muffel he said nothing."Wow Rick you have nothing to say?" Still he remained silent I laughed it was so damn funny my men looked at me like I was crazy but even they joined me in the laughter.

I pulled out my selection of knifes layed each across the table carefully putting on my gloves I wanted to pick the perfect blade to go with pathetic piece of shit I rubbed my hand over each blade I looked around the room until my eyes landing on the new kid looked to be just 14 years old "You what's your name?" He looked shocked and looked from side to side I guess to make sure I was speaking to him.

"Umh Will sir Will Jones." He said nervously

"Come here will." He walked to me slowly "Now Will look at each blade tell me which one you think should be used make sure not to touch it."

Will nervously looked at the man he stepped closer to me and whispered "what did he do exactly?"

I chuckled whispering back "He betrayed me." Will shook his head in understanding he looked back from the man and to the knifes when he finally pointed at one, That one that right there he pointed at a very large butcher knife very sharp blade cuts threw the toughest meats.

"Thanks Will that'll be all." I took the knife getting up from my seat I slid the knife down his face "You sure no last words?" He still said nothing "Goodbye Rick."

"Fuck y-" he said but didn't get to finish from the knife I stabbed in his throat I shook my head at the amount of blood I looked back to see Will had a look on his face a look I remember so vaguely

Kev. The night my mom tried beating this man cause he was working on her corner I remember I sighed I remember the look of shock,disappointment,no hope.

"Somebody clean this up, Yo Lil man come with me." Will followed me upstairs to me office.he sat down in the seat across from my desk.

"So Will how old are you."

"I'm 13 sir." I knew he was young but damn

"You can cut the sir crap I'm only 17 makes me feel like an old man call me Carter."

"Yes si- I mean Carter." He said nervously

"Where are yo parents what are you doing here." I asked lighting my blunt

"My dad was killed in a car crash and my mom she went crazy after the death she's on drugs so I need this job to pay my bills or we loose the only thing we have." He said looking as if he was on the verge of tears I saw to much of myself in him and could prevent him from ending up like me ruthless

"Well look how about this I'll pay your bills and I'll have people stop selling to ya moms so you won't be selling you need some extra money come talk to me trust me this is for yo own good I been where you are before and I didn't have anyone to stop me from selling, Selling even got my brother killed so this ain't the lifestyle for you kid."

Will got up and hugged me I hugged him back this was making me mushy, "Thank you Carter."

"Sure thing man just focus on school."

Will soon headed home after the crime was officially cleaned I headed home once I got in I layed in my bed staring at the celling I texted Sydney but she didn't reply

I started to turn on the TV when I finally received a text back from Sydney my heart started racing.

In the text she wrote that she will meet me I got up from the bed and raced to my car I sped to the resturant and I saw that she was already they're and she was hugging some dude that looked familiar I watched this from the car he soon walked out the restaurant into his car and drove away I starred him down I'm sure he would notice if my windows wasn't tinted.

I got out and walked into the restaurant taking a seat across from Sydney who looked happy but tired, her eyes lit up when she seen me but hid it quickly

"Hey how u been?"

"I've been good Carter what about you what you been up to?" She said like she already knew

"Working handling business nothing much." She shook her head

"Working or have you been killing?"

"What who told you that." I said shocked that she knew and why was she even keeping tabs on me

"Who told me? Everyone knows the streets have been talking."

"Like I said handling business."

"I don't get you Carter I really don't, You say your done with me but yet you constantly text me You say your gonna hold me down you leave me when I need you the most you then show up here after the constant disrespect you've shown me like nothing has happen and now your killing even more I heard you've killed more than 9 people and its only been about 3 weeks what the fuck is wrong with you." She said loudly earning looks our way

"First of all lower your fucking voice and I came in here wanting to apologize to you but your attuide just threw me all off you changed when I met you, you where kind sweet shy girl so softspoken now your just a loud obnoxious bitch."

"My attuide wow you wanna talk to me about my attuide I've changed huh? you mother fuckers made me this way all the Shit I've been threw do don't talk to me about my attuide."

"Listen I don't wanna agure with you I came in here to tell you that I love you and I miss you I want us again."

"Carter I love you I do but no at least not right now you need help carter your not right in the head you need your issues delt with until then we can't be together go get some counciling and please dont take what I'm saying lightly carter cause like I said before I do love you but I will love you from a far if I have to."

She got up and whispering in my ear "And make things right with Terrence he won't admitt it but he misses you." She said kissing my cheek leaving.

She left me speechless but most importantly she left me thinking...

Love for a thug (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now