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It was now Tuesday the past few days have been weird for me for the simple fact that because I could have never predicted that I would start to fall in love with a drug dealer,having a crazy best friend   who's hiring people to kill for me. This was all too much, both me and Stacy got suspended for a day which was Monday and now that I'm back I got a whole new attitude and I'm loving it.

I kept calling Serena but she's avoiding my calls like what the hell if anyone should be mad it should be me. I tell her I wanna start being my own person and handle my own battles but she doesn't listen and decides to do things her own way there lies the problem. 

After the whole carter situation he left in the middle of the night. But when he left I could tell by the look on his face he has been thinking, I don't even know why I bother it felt like we were taking seven steps forward but now its like we took six steps back. But before he did leave he left me his keys to his BMW so I'm definitely gonna have fun with that.



Pulling up to school I could feel the eyes on me the looks of jealously,lust,envy and more I can honestly say I liked it. I was always in the shadows known as the weak link. I had so many crushes and the only attention they ever gave me was wanting to have their homework done. So hell yea I'm gonna enjoy this five minutes of fame I get because I deserve it.

As I got out I was searching for Serena I was done with playing games I wanted to know why she felt the need to always feel as though she had to protect me I wanna know why she does the things that she do. Looking around I felt someone staring at me extremely hard and it was no one other than Carter I could see he was studing my body. I started to walk over to him but I saw Serena hop out her car so I quickly walked over to her.

"Bitch you wanna explain to me why you haven't been answering my calls?''  by that shocked look on her face I could tell she wasn't expecting that.

"whoa I see we gotta bad ass over here" she stepped extremely close to me and whispered in my ear "Sydney you know I love you like a sister but don't make me whoop yo ass in front of all these people''

Honestly I took that as my que I did not want the problems, "Sydney lets talk about this over here follow me" Serena said all while walking towards a bench I started to follow her but I looked back at Carter he had a confused look on his face but I hurried up and followed Serena.

"Serena what's your fucking problem I told you I can handle myself, Do things my way but you dont listen. What the fucked possessed you to get Terrance to handle that situation for me." I was upset

Serena just sat there with a guilty look on her face "Serena fucking answer me im so tired Serena I cant take it no more I-''

"He raped me Sydney!"    I sat there shocked I didn't expect that.

"It was a couple months after I found out what he was doing to you,You didn't come to school and I wanted to know why so I went over to you house I knocked on your window you didn't answer so I knocked on the front door. Your step dad answered he told me you weren't there but I saw blood on his knuckles so I told him that you had my chemistry book and I needed it. So he let me come in as soon I started to walk up the steps he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me down thee stairs I was pushing and kicking but no one ever came. After a while I gave up he started to take off my clothes and I just put my head to the side while he was still removing my clothes and I saw you lying on the floor unconscious I just cried and soon he was raping me all while I was screaming for you. I felt so weak like I couldn't hold my own and it was clear you couldn't do the same so I promised myself I would look out for you, all while I been saying I was doing this all for you but I was secretly doing this for myself as well'

"I'm so sorry Serena why didn't you tell me" I said while wiping away her tears

She looked at me and shook her head "Sydney you had alot on your plate at the time and I was always the strong one I couldn't bring myself to tell you and I'm sorry for everything" I hugged her until the bell rung we parted ways but we were gonna meet up at lunch.

Just as I was making my way to my class someone grabbed my arm roughly I turned around and saw it was carter I shot him a confused look.

"Why are you grabbing me like that" he looked me in the eyes and said " I been thinking it was great you opened up to me but something that keeps bothering me not once have you mentioned him why is that"

"who the hell is him?" I sat there confused as ever


When I heard that name my heart dropped.

Love for a thug (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now