New memories pt 2

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I sat here looking dumb this bitch Hope slashed my tires and Terrance was taking forever. I might as well walk I'll probably be there quicker, I walked off the school parking lot and finally Terrance pulled up I hopped in the car. "Nigga don't get in here with an attuide what happened to yo car anyway." He said pulling off the lot

"That bitch hope slashed my fucking tires crazy bitch."

Terrance started laughing he stopped the car and kept laughing holding his stomach "dude this shit not funny that bitch messed up my car I worked hard for that shit." I said

"Alright man" he said wiping the tears from his face from laughing so hard

I shook my head "man drive I need to go home this bitch got me having an headache." He started driving and I searched up the number for the towing place

I dialed the number from the Internet "hello can y'all pick up my car from South Bay High, this crazy bitch then stabbed my tires. That moment you realize you fucking with a crazy bitch, yo my man if you have any sign yo girl is crazy dump her ass or you'll be towing yo own shit."

"Sir I'm gay where would you like me to take the car." The man said

I felt dumb "um my address." After i finished telling the man my information I had to apologize that was pretty awkward. I hung up and Terrance was over there laughing again

"Look at you man you are a comedian." He said laughing pulling up into my driveway

"Alright man goodbye and quit this laughter shit you got going on I'm mad nigga be mad to damn." He laughed again I shook my head closing the car door as I got out. He pulled off and I went into the house to find Sydney on my steps in tears. I was confused how the fuck did she even get into my house.

"Sydney what are you doing here?" I asked sitting on the steps beside her, I grabbed her pulling her into my embrace

"Are you going to answer me why are you crying?"

She wiped her eyes "I got this in the mail." She handed a letter to me

It read I know what you did

I was confused what did she do and who couldve wrote this. "Do you know who wrote this?" She shook her head no

"What exactly did you do." She looked at me like I was dumb

"I basically killed my step dad." I laughed while shaking my head

"Sydney I hope you not serious." I got up going into the kitchen, Sydney followed

"what do you mean am I serious? This is a serious situation Carter someone knows what I did. They can send me to jail Carter I won't do well in jail I'll be someone's bitch in a second I don't wanna be someone's bitch." She said stressing

"Sydney calm the fuck down, Terrance killed your step dad you was just a witness so stop saying you killed the damn dude. You making yo own damn self look guilty." I said

She sat down and running her hands down her face "Your right but if they're not talking about that what did I do."

"Its probably just someone playing." I said grabbing some drinks from the fridge

"I hope your right Carter." She grabbed the drink from out my head taking it to the head. "Ouch that kinda burned my throat."

"Well you supposed to sip alcohol not take it down so fast your bound to burn your throat." I said sipping on the vodka

"Carter im sorry for what I said at school I dont need time I love you." That made me happy to hear that, I put down my drink and walked around the table but she put her hand up to stop me from coming any futher "You didnt let me finish, I saw you kissing Hope and I don't wanna be some side chick Carter you can't have your cake and eat it to you have to choose."

I don't know why she was being silly she know I loved her "Sydney the same can be said for you, what about ole dude you can't have your cake and eat it to Sydney."

"It's Chris not ole dude and we aren't even official, one text and he can be cut off but if you want us you have to let her go."

"After you seen that kiss I broke up with her, my heart was always with you she couldn't even compare." She cracked a smile

"So what does this mean for us, we're back?" She said

I grabbed her hands bringing her up from her seat, I grabbed her neck and placed a kiss to her lips "we've always been together." She smiled and kissed me again but this time more lustful she started removing my shirt and reached to unhook my belt but I grabbed her hands

"Are you even ready for that?"

"I am I love you and I wanna show you." She said grabbing the belt again but I grabbed her hands

"You don't have to prove your love to me by having sex with me."

"I know but I want to."

"Well let's take this to the bedroom then."


(Terrance p.o.v)

I've been so busy lately with everything at that trap I barely have enough time for Serena. She's been mad at me since I haven't been home in a while but that's not my fault she knew what kind of work I did before she even got this far with me if she couldn't handle it she should've thought about that before she went and got pregnant by me. Now I got to work even harder cause I have a baby on the way.

I looked down at my phone and it was Serena blowing up my phone for the ninth time today I picked up preparing for her bullshit "Terrance you are really stressing me the fuck out you out with some bitch aren't you, I'm so fucking tired of this fuck you I'm leaving your ass" she said screaming and hanging up on me

This girl got some nerve I did a U Turn to make my way back to the crib, about 10 minutes later I arrived and saw nine suit cases outside the door I walked in and saw Serena hauling another suitcase down the stairs. I rushed up the stairs taking the suit case from her hands "what are you even doing here I'm leaving and you can't stop me you and that bitch your cheating on me with can do your dirt here I'll be gone very soon."

"Girl are you fucking crazy you not going no where with my child in your stomach so sit yo ass down."
She walked down the steps and reached for the door handle i quickly pushed it closed
"Did you not hear me? I said you not going no where."

"Terrance you not my fucking dad and like I said I'm leaving you, you'll never find someone else like me I would've fucking did anything for you and this s the thanks I get. I get pregnant and you go out never coming home messing around with every bitch I'm out this bitch." She tried reaching for the door again I stood infront of it so she couldn't leave

"I'm not messing with no fucking chicks Damn I'm trying to earn money for our fucking family what don't you understand."

"Our family? How do you even know this baby is yours." She said and I was pissed I pushed her against the wall "who have you been fucking you bitch."

She started crying "who the fuck is it, you know what get the fuck out take yo shit and leave."

She cried and ran outside and hopped into her car without getting the suit cases driving off. I shook my head this bitch really said that to me.


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