Chapter 2

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Andy stood in the center of Juliette's room, setting up the bookshelf he just put together for her. He pushed it against the wall near the window. looking out as he heard a truck pull up with boxes in the back, followed shortly by a black Nissan. He watched a girl getting out of each vehicle, not knowing which one was Juliette. "Jacob! Come outside to help."

"This place is cute."

Juliette looked at Brie, "yeah. It's a nice house." She grabbed a box from the back of the truck as the front door opened and she saw Andy and Jacob step out onto the porch. She moved the box to one arm and held her hand out to Andy as they approached her, "I'm Juliette. You can call me Julie. It's nice to meet you Mr. Barber." She motioned to Brie, "this is my friend Brie. Needed her brother's truck for my stuff."

Andy smiled, glad Juliette was the girl with long dirty blonde hair. She had big blue eyes that shined in the sun. He saw her blush at his attention as he took the box from her, pulling his eyes away from her as he turned to his son, "help the ladies out, will ya?" Jacob nodded, grabbing a box from the back of the truck. Juliette looked at Brie who smirked at her as they both grabbed a box and followed Andy into the house and up to her room. Andy motioned to the bookshelf, "I just got it put together when you got here."

Juliette smiled, "thank you so much, Mr. Barber." She inspected his gentle blue eyes and the dark hair that was damp with sweat that hung down slightly in his face. She raked her lip through her teeth as he pushed his hair back with his hand before running his hand along his neatly trimmed beard.

He chuckled, shaking his head before locking his eyes firmly on hers, "please. Andy is good." He smiled as pink blush covered her face and chest.

Juliette blushed at his eye contact as she nodded, breaking the contact quickly as she pretended to inspect her room, "sure. Thank you." Once all the boxes were in her room, she walked Brie out to the truck. "Thank your brother for letting us borrow his truck for me."

Brie nodded, leaning against the truck. She crossed her arms over her chest as she smirked at her friend, "ok. Now come on, you have to admit it Julie."

She sighed, glancing back at the house and back at Brie, "fine. He's much hotter than I imagined." She laughed as Brie chuckled, "just stop those thoughts Brie. He's happily married and too old."

Brie rolled her eyes before hugging her friend, "yeah yeah. I'll see you Monday."

Juliette shook her head as she watched Brie drive away before going back into the house, almost colliding Jacob in the entryway as she did. Andy laughed, leaning on the doorframe between the kitchen and hallway, "sorry about him. Teenagers are sort of in their own bubble. He's going to meet some friends."

Juliette chuckled, moving her way to the stairs as to not be alone with the hot older man that happened to be her boss, "it's totally fine."

Andy smiled, causing heat to pulse through her, "Emily is taking a nap. She will probably be up soon though. I'll be at the table, working." She watched him move out of the way to point to the kitchen table where he had his computer open and files spread everywhere. He turned back and pointed to the fridge, "make yourself at home. If there's something specific you want food wise, just add it to the list on the fridge."

"Thank you, Andy. I'll be in my room unpacking."

Andy nodded as he watched her hesitate for a moment, running her hand through her dirty blonde hair before turning and heading up the stairs. He shook his head, trying to shake out the thoughts that were already running through his head, mentally reminding himself that he was married and that she worked for him.

Juliette plopped onto her bed, staring at the ceiling as she thought about what Brie said about Andy being attractive. She sighed, trying to not think about his smile or his muscles that threatened to bust through his tight t-shirt. She groaned, shaking her head as she stood up to put her stuff away.

Andy looked up, peeking over the top of his computer, when he heard Juliette bringing down empty boxes. He laughed, getting up to grab them from her, "I'll get them."

She pulled away from him when he tried to take them from her hands, "it's okay. Just show me where to put them." She followed him out the back to the recycling bin, letting him help her shove the boxes inside. She laughed at the protruding out of the top, causing the lid not to close all the way, "sorry. It's full now."

He shrugged, shoving them down as much as he could, "it's all good." He hesitated, turning back to her as she started to turn from him, "hey, Laurie is having dinner with a friend. Want me to order pizza?"

Juliette smiled as she turned back to him, "sure. I'm not picky." She heard Emily upstairs as they walked back into the house. "I'll get her." She went upstairs to see Emily standing up in her crib, crying. "Hey! It's okay sweet girl." She picked her up, changing her before taking her downstairs. Juliette laughed as Emily's face lit up, seeing Andy at the table.

He smiled, holding his arms out to his daughter, "I'm here. You don't have to take her if I'm home."

Juliette shrugged, handing Emily to Andy, "I don't mind. Especially since you have work to do."

Andy sighed, "well there's always work to do." He pushed out the chair next to him for her to sit, "Laurie says you're in law school?"

Juliette smiled and nodded as she sat next to Andy, "I am. I'm in my last semester. I take the bar in February."

He stood up, going into the kitchen with Emily as Juliette watched him. She noticed he seemed much more at ease with his daughter than Laurie did. He opened a cabinet, "there's some baby food in here, as well as formula. I don't know if Laurie showed you."

Juliette chuckled, getting up to stand next to Andy, "she didn't, no." She accepted Emily from him as he pulled out some food for her.

"I'm sorry. She's a little scatterbrained sometimes," he grumbled, obviously irritated.

"It's totally fine Andy." She set Emily in her high chair as she sat next to her and Andy handed her some food for Emily as they heard the doorbell.

Andy disappeared, coming back with a pizza box. He set it on the kitchen table as he cleaned up his mess, setting his files in a neat pile to the side, "sorry. I'm a bit of a mess when I work."

Juliette shook her head, gesturing to his stack of work papers and files, "it's your house. You can be as messy as you like."

He laughed, watching her feed Emily as she talked to her. He couldn't help but notice she seemed a little more at ease around Emily than even Laurie did. He sighed, grabbing a slice of pizza as he eyed Juliette's curves in her tight jeans and tank top as she got up to get a towel for Emily. He looked away, back down at the table as Juliette returned. He noticed a small blush across her chest and cheeks, having noticed him looking at her.


Juliette stood up from her bed after tossing and turning for a few hours, unable to sleep. She decided to head to the kitchen to grab something to drink before trying to find sleep. She jumped when she saw Andy sitting at the table, working in the dim light. "You're still awake?"

He looked up to see her in shorts and a tank top, quickly averting his eyes back down, "I don't sleep much. I'm sorry if I scared you." He heard her opening and shutting cabinets, looking for a glass. He chuckled, standing up and opening a cabinet next to the sink, "looking for a glass?"

Juliette nodded, "yeah. Thank you." She tried reached up to the second shelf, suddenly aware of how close Andy was to her, feeling his body heat as his chest grazed her side. She heard him chuckle again as he reached up to the shelf to pull a glass down for her as his body brushed against hers.

"Here." He looked down at her as he handed her the glass. He locked eyes with her as she paused for a moment before moving away from him to the fridge. He cleared his throat, going back to sit at the table. He watched her bend over into the fridge, her ass cheeks hanging out the bottom of the shorts as he felt his cock twitch in his sweatpants. He groaned in his head before looking back at his computer, avoiding looking at her until she left the kitchen.

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