Chapter 37

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Andy knocked on Jacob's door, peeking in to see him playing games. "Can we talk?"

Jacob nodded, smiling as he set down his controller.

Andy sat on the bed, "Julie said there was something you wanted to talk to me about something first of all."

Jacob groaned, "yeah. I don't want to go to mom's anymore. She ends up cancelling half the time. The only reason I've last this long is to be with Emily, but I don't like going over there."

"Oh." Andy sighed, "well you're 17 Jacob. If you don't want to go, then I won't make you. I'll talk to your mother about it. Okay?"

Jacob grinned, "thanks dad! What else did you want to talk about?"

"Well a few things Juliette related."

Jacob laughed, nodding as he crossed his arms over his chest, "okay."

"Her birthday is coming up, I need help planning something. Also, I'm thinking of asking her to marry me. Not on her birthday but maybe on New Year's Eve. I wanted to see if you wanted to be involved with that? I know she loves you and Emily. I wanted to include you both in the proposal somehow."

Jacob stood up, smiling, "of course dad. I'd love to. I love Julie and I know Emily does too. And I can see how much you love each other. And how much happier you are with her than you were with mom."

Andy sighed, relieved, "great. Thank you. Did you want to help pick out a ring?"

"Yeah!" Jacob nodded, grinning, "I do."

Andy laughed, standing up, "thanks bud. I really appreciate it. I care about Julie and want everything to be perfect."

Jacob hugged his father, "of course dad. I'm happy to help."


Andy walked up behind Juliette at the sink as she cleaned up after dinner, "Jacob and I are going out for a bit. A guy thing. We'll be back. Okay?"

Juliette nodded as she turned to face him, "of course. Emily and I will be fine Andy."

Andy chuckled, "I know that. There's no one I trust more with Emily. Just letting you know. I love you."

She giggled as he squeezed her sides gently, "stop it. I love you."

Andy laughed, kissing her on the cheek.

Once the boys were gone, Juliette sat in the living room with Emily, turning on a movie. "Mama."

Juliette sighed as she snuggled with her, "oh sweet girl. I wish I were your mama." She laughed as Emily giggled, "I'll get you a little brother or sister though. How's that?" She smiled as Emily giggled again, as if responding to her question.


"Andy. Why are we up so early? It's my birthday. I should be able to sleep in."

Andy laughed as he watched Juliette cover her face with a pillow, "I know it is. That is why you need to get up. We're driving to New York."

She slid the pillow down to her chest to see Andy grinning at her, "what do you mean we're driving to New York? What about the kids?"

"They're coming with us."

Juliette sat up with a grin on her face, "they are?!"

Andy laughed, grabbing her arms to pull her to her feet. "Yes. If you get up. And get dressed." He looked at his watch, "you have 30 minutes to shower, dress and meet me downstairs. Don't worry about the kids, Jacob is helping me with Emily. Just worry about yourself."

"Okay!" She laughed as he smacked her bottom hard as she walked to the bathroom. Once she was showered and dressed, she went downstairs to find everyone waiting for her. "I'm ready. I don't have a bag packed though."

Andy stood up with Emily from the couch, "I have a bag for you in the car already. Let's go."

She laughed as he pushed her towards the door, "okay."


After spending all day in New York with Andy and the kids, Juliette noticed they were going to Peter's house. She smiled when Peter opened the door, wrapping her in a hug.

"Happy birthday little one."

"Thanks Pete!" She pulled away to see Dan come into the living room, "dad? What are you doing here?"

Dan smiled, hugging her, "Andy invited me for your birthday. I hope that's okay."

Juliette chuckled, "of course it is. I'm glad you're here."

Peter led them into the dining room where Aimee was finishing setting the table. "Julie, happy birthday."

Juliette hugged Aimee, grabbing her hand before hitting Peter, "you didn't tell me you got engaged!"

Peter laughed, "just happened the other day. I figured it could wait until you got here."

"Aww. Pete. I'm so happy for you." She hugged her brother once more before being ushered to sit down for dinner. She sat between Aimee and Andy as Aimee offered her wine. Juliette shook her head, "no thanks."

Aimee nodded, passing the wine on before looking back at Juliette. She leaned into her ear, "you're not... are you?"

Juliette hesitated but nodded, "I haven't told Andy yet." She smiled as Aimee's eyes got big.

Aimee nudged her shoulder, "me too. We didn't want to take away from your birthday."

"What?!" Juliette chuckled, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth, realizing she had been a bit too loud as everyone turned to look at her. "Sorry." She looked back at Aimee, "please. Go ahead. I don't mind."

Aimee nodded, "okay then. Peter and I are having a baby. I'm about 12 weeks."

Juliette leaned over, pulling her into a hug, "I'm so happy for you guys." She looked at Peter who was smiling.

"Thanks little one. We didn't want to take away from your birthday."

Juliette shook her head, "I know. I don't mind, really. Besides, me too." She looked at Andy, "I'm pregnant too Andy. About 10 weeks. I just found out a few days ago."

Andy smiled, turning to face her, "really?!"

Juliette nodded, "yeah. Are you happy?"

Andy chuckled, "oh my god. I couldn't be happier love." He pulled her to him, kissing her as everyone talked over each other. He laughed, looking around the table.

Jacob smiled, "I'm really happy for you guys. I can't wait. I hope it's a boy."

Juliette laughed, "well, we'll see." She looked at Peter, "we're going to have kids at the same time."

Peter nodded, "I couldn't be happier."

Dan smiled as she looked at him, "I'm just happy to be included."

Juliette nodded, "of course you will be dad." She wiped a stray tear from her cheek, "I'm so happy. You guys are getting married, and we're having kids. I couldn't ask for anything better." 

Andy reached over and squeezed her hand under the table, "me too."

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