Chapter 39

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"What are we doing Brie?"

Brie shrugged as Juliette watched her, "what do you mean? Andy said you're kind of having a tough time with this pregnancy so he wants you to relax."

Juliette nodded, "I am." She looked down at her stomach, "can you believe there are two babies in here Brie?"

She laughed, "I can actually. You're huge."

Juliette heard the woman doing her hair chuckle as Juliette hit Brie in the chest, "bitch."

Brie laughed, "I meant that in the most loving way possible you know." She nudged her, "so what are your New Year's plans?"

Juliette shrugged, "I don't know. Andy is being very mysterious. You both are. But I'll just be happy not to be kidnapped this year."

"Well yeah. That's the ultimate plan." Once they both got their hair done, Brie handed Juliette a box, "this is for you."

Juliette looked from the box to Brie, "what is this?"

She shrugged, "I have no idea, maybe you should open it?"

Juliette rolled her eyes, "I hate you." She heard Brie laugh as she opened the box to find a a green dress. She pulled it out to see it was long and satin, off the shoulder, "this is beautiful! What is it for?"

Brie shrugged, again, smirking, "no idea." She placed a pair of silver flats in front of Juliette, "why don't I just help you get dressed."

Juliette nodded, letting Brie help her into the dress that showed off her obviously pregnant stomach. She stood in front of a long mirror, "oh, it's perfect. What's going on Brie? And don't say you don't know. You obviously know something."

"Andy wanted you to have a nice night. That's all I know. Now, let's get you to Andy, shall we?"

"Okay." Juliette smiled, grabbing Brie's hand.


Juliette sighed as she stood outside the front door to the house. The door opened before she could reach it to find Jacob in a suit holding Emily in a little green dress that matched the green in hers. "You guys look great."

Jacob smiled, setting Emily down as he took Juliette's coat, "you look beautiful Julie. Follow me."

Juliette chuckled as Jacob offered her his arm. She placed her hand on his arm as they followed Emily into the kitchen where Andy stood in a black tux at a set table for the four of them. "This looks great."

Andy smiled, leaning in to kiss her, "you look amazing. And Jacob made dinner. Let's see if you teaching him took or not."

Juliette laughed as she sat at the table with Andy and Emily as Jacob placed chicken parmigiana in front of everyone. "My favorite!"

Andy nodded, "we know."

Juliette nodded, wiping a stray tear, "thanks guys. This is amazing."

Andy squeezed her hand, "we wanted to give you a better memory of New Year's Eve, as a family."

"Thank you." She looked at Jacob, "this looks so good Jacob. You did a great job." She looked from Andy to Jacob, to Emily in her high chair, "probably the pregnancy hormones, but I love you guys so much. And I appreciate you making me feel like part of the family." She turned to Jacob, "especially you. You could have made things difficult if you wanted to. But you've been very kind since the beginning."

Jacob nodded, smiling, "we all love you Julie. And you've taught me a lot just in the last year you've been here."

Juliette reached over and squeezed his hand, "thanks Jacob."

After dinner, Jacob and Andy cleared the table as Juliette leaned back in the chair. Andy grabbed her hand, leading her into the sitting room in the chair, "this chair is more comfortable."

She nodded, chuckling, "definitely." She leaned back as Emily crawled into her lap. She held her with her head on her chest.

Andy came back into the room, "she's sleepy. I'll take her upstairs. Be right back."

She rested her head back before hearing Andy come back down the stairs, whispering to Jacob. "What are you guys talking about in there? Is there a dessert?"

Andy laughed from the other room, "yes. Hold on. Close your eyes."

Juliette sighed, sitting up straight as she closed her eyes, "fine!" She heard them laugh again as she heard someone approach.

Jacob chuckled, "open your eyes." He handed her a plate with a cupcake on it with green icing.

"Thank you!"

He nodded, "you're welcome. I made them myself." He watched her take a bite, "good?"

She moaned, nodding, "oh yes. You did a great job Jacob. Thank you."

Jacob smiled, "thank you for teaching me. You've been a really great mom to Emily and to me even though you didn't have to be. And you're very patient and always willing to help teach me new things. I know you're going to be a great mom to Chris and Cait."

"Aww, Jake. Stop. I'm pregnant. You're going to make me cry." She accepted a hug from him as he chuckled.

"Just wait then."

She looked at him as he moved out of the way, taking the plate from her as she saw Andy enter the room, kneeling in front of her, "Andy."

He smiled, "Jules. Remember when I said I would make you a Barber one day?"

Juliette chuckled, nodding as she felt her eyes welling with tears. She watched him pull out a ring box from his pocket, opening it in front of her to display a an engagement ring with an oval shaped opal with little diamonds on either side.

"It's your birthstone. Jacob helped me pick it out. Because though you are marrying me, we all kind of come in an entire package. So as I kneel here in front of you and ask you to marry me, I ask that you accept the whole package. You, me, Jacob and Emily." He placed his hand on her stomach, "and these two little ones. I love you Jules. Will you marry me?"

Juliette nodded, grabbing his hand, "of course I will Andy." She chuckled, "I love you Andy. And I accept the entire package and all the baggage if you do the same."

Andy laughed, "of course." He stood up, helping her to stand as he placed the ring on her finger, "we have a ball to get to."

"What do you mean?" She watched Jacob hand her a box. She opened it to find a new silver masquerade mask.

"This time I'm not letting you out of my sight. And I got a hotel room for the night."

She nodded, "what about the kids?"

"I've got it. Emily is already asleep. I can handle her for one night. I promise. I'll call if I need anything." Jacob smiled, handing Andy his own mask.

Juliette nodded, "okay." She kissed Jacob on the cheek, "thanks. I love you so much bud."

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