Chapter 18

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Juliette groaned quietly as she watched Ian enter the office on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving with flowers. She stood up from her desk as her face turned red, noticing a few people watching them. "Ian. What are you doing here?"

He shrugged, handing her the flowers. "Haven't heard from you in a while. I wanted to see if you wanted to do something this weekend."

She sighed, pulling him into the empty conference room, "Ian. I'm not sure you understood when I said casual. I said I wasn't looking for something serious. I certainly am not comfortable with you coming to where I work and embarrassing me."

Ian scoffed, gesturing to the flowers in her hand, "how is bringing you flowers embarrassing you? Most women like receiving flowers from someone they're dating."

She groaned, shaking her head, "looks sort of like marking your territory. And we are not dating Ian. I told you before I didn't want you getting the wrong impression." Ian stood looking at her for a moment before walking away as Juliette groaned again, "Ian. Wait." She went back to her desk as she watched Ian leave. She looked up to see Andy leaning against the doorframe of his office. She ignored him, going into the break room to throw the flowers away. She was sitting at her desk with her head in her hands when she heard another voice.

"Bad day little one?"

She looked up, smiling when she saw Peter standing in front of her desk with his arms crossed. "Pete!" She stood up to hug her brother as she heard him chuckle. "I'm so glad you're here. You're early."

He nodded as she pulled away, "what's the matter?"

She groaned, "everything?" She smiled as he chuckled. "Come on." She led him to Andy's office, seeing him stand up as they entered, closing the door behind them. "Andy Barber, this is my brother Peter." She looked at Peter, "this is Andy. My boss, and also the father of the family I nanny for."

Peter nodded, shaking Andy's hand, "of course, it's nice to meet you Mr. Barber."

Andy shook his head, smiling, "Andy. Please. It's nice to meet you. I'm very fond of your sister."

Juliette rolled her eyes as Peter chuckled, "yeah, I'm sure you are."

"I'm leaving early. I'll see you later."

Andy grinned, "are you asking, or telling?"

She shrugged, "telling."

Andy chuckled, sitting back at his desk, "goodbye Ms. Price. I'll pick up Emily when I leave, so don't worry about it."

She nodded, giving him a small smile, "thanks Andy."


Juliette came back home later after spending the day with her brother. She looked to see Andy sleeping on the couch before going to her room. She changed clothes before laying down in her own bed.

Andy heard someone coming down the stairs. He sat up expecting to see Juliette but saw Laurie approaching him, "what are you doing down here?"

She shrugged, smiling, "I miss you Andy."

Andy sighed as she sat next to him, "Laurie. I don't know how many times I have to tell you I don't want to be with you anymore."

"Come on Andy. I can change. I'll do whatever you need. Please." She straddled him on the couch, crashing her lips into his before he could respond.

He groaned, picking her up to set back on the couch as he stood up, "there's nothing you can do." He felt her grab at the band of his underwear, pulling out his cock to take into her mouth before he could protest. "Laurie, what are you..." He looked up to see Juliette at the bottom of the stairs, locking eyes with him before she turned back, rushing back up the stairs. He groaned again, pushing her off of him, "I told you there's nothing you can do. Just go to bed."

Laurie huffed as she stood up, crossing her arms over her chest, "why?! Because the nanny is already giving it all to you?"

Andy felt his heart drop as he looked down at her, "what do you mean?"

Laurie scoffed, "what? You think I'm an idiot Andy? You were helping her in her room the other day. I thought maybe something was going on, but I wasn't sure until then."

Andy rolled his eyes, "what's the big deal? I told you that you could date, why can't I?"

"Because she's the nanny? A college student?"

He shook his head, "so? You assume it's only sex, but it isn't. It's more than that."

Laurie laughed, "yeah. I'm sure she has a lot to offer. Let's go to bed." She went to grab his hand but he pulled it away from her, taking a step back.

"No. I'll sleep on the couch."

"I think you'll sleep in the bed with me unless you want me to list infidelity as the reason for the divorce. Not to mention, taking full custody of Emily."

Andy shook his head, anger welling in his gut, "blackmail? You're really such a miserable person that you would resort to blackmail in order to get me back in your bed? You don't even have any proof."

Laurie nodded and smirked, "I'm not miserable. But I can make you miserable. And I don't need proof. It's enough to just list it on the paperwork for people to start talking about you and about her. And then word will get out that she slept with ADA Barber in order to get to where she is. Who is going to take her seriously enough to hire her?"

"You really are a bitch, aren't you?" He scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. 

She smiled, "maybe. Bed?"

Andy didn't say anything, only rolled his eyes and nodded as he followed her up the stairs to the bedroom.

Juliette laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling as she heard Laurie and Andy go into their room, shutting the door behind them. She groaned, rolling over to face the wall. It seemed to her that Andy had made his decision, so now she had to make her own.

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