Chapter 27

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Juliette accepted a glass of wine from Andy as she sat on the couch in the living room, "thank you." She sat with a leg up on the couch, facing him as he mirrored her. She took a drink before setting it on the table. She sighed, as he watched her. "You've been really patient these last few months since everything happened. Even with forcing me to move in."

Andy laughed as she smiled, "you didn't want to move in?"

Juliette placed her hand on his thigh, "you know I want nothing other than to be with you. I know I've been distant since the new year. But I'm really trying."

Andy nodded, moving closer to her, "I know you are love. But you've barely talked about any of it. And you barely let me touch you."

She groaned, "I know. I'm sorry Andy."

"No." He shook his head, pulling her into his lap, "you have nothing to apologize for."

She straddled his lap, "I do. I never told you about the baby. You deserve to know why."

Andy nodded, "okay."

She let out a long breath, "I didn't tell you because you were still married and I wasn't sure how I felt about being pregnant." She watched him begin to say something but she held up her hand, "I'm not done. I wasn't completely forthcoming before when I said I was the product of a one night stand. That isn't entirely true. My mother was having an affair with an older married man when she got pregnant with me. Once he found out, he stopped seeing her. She was devastated because she was in love with him and he was one of those men that swore he would leave his wife. He didn't want anything to do with her or with me growing up. Whatever. I saw myself following down the same path and I panicked."

"Jules. Honey. It wouldn't have been the same. I love you and I mean that. It would have been a surprise and it would have been difficult, but I would have been happy to have a baby with you. And I want to, in the future, when you want to."

She nodded, "I know that now. I'm sorry Andy." She sighed, resting her head against his, "I think the way I was raised has made it difficult for me to say I love you, and for me to feel worthy of it. My mother resented me because I represented the life with the man she didn't get. Peter has been the only consistent person in my life. He's always taken care me and he's always been the only one I knew for sure I could depend on. And the only one I knew always loved me, no matter what."

Andy nodded, placing his hand on her cheek, "I get that, I really do. But I love you and I wouldn't say it unless I meant it. I want to be with you Jules."

"I know. I love you too." She smiled, "now kiss me?" Andy chuckled as he nodded, pulling her lips to his. She tugged on the bottom of his shirt, helping him pull it up and off him as she tossed it on the couch. "I'm trying. Okay."

Andy nodded, "I know. Let's go to bed."

Juliette nodded, going to stand up, but Andy held her firmly to him as he stood up, making her squeal. She heard him moan as she kissed his neck and shoulder as he carried her upstairs to the bedroom.

Andy grunted as he closed the door with his foot, leaning back against it as he crashed his lips into hers. He set her down as she removed her own shirt. "Just keep your eyes on me love. And we'll take it as slow as you need to. And we'll stop if you need to."

Juliette didn't take her eyes off his as she removed her bra. She saw him watching her as she got fully undressed for him. He waited, smirking at her as he let her take the lead. Juliette leaned up, kissing him as she pressed her body against his, undoing his pants. Andy moaned as he felt her pulling off his pants and underwear. "Touch me Andy." She giggled as he moaned, pulling her to him as he lifted her, carrying her to the bed. She crawled back to the pillow as she watched Andy between her legs.

He trailed kisses up her legs as he heard her moaning. He looked up at her as he approached her, "just try to keep your eyes on me." He took her small whimper as agreement as grabbed her legs, placing them over his shoulders, bringing a hand up to open her up for him. He heard her whimper above him as he ran his tongue along the wetness to her clit, flicking it. He brought his other hand up, inserting two fingers as he felt her buck against him, moaning. He chuckled, "not too loud, the kids are sleeping."

She gripped onto the bed as she felt him flick her clit once more before taking it into his mouth as he became more urgent in his fingering. She bucked her hips to his mouth as she felt the orgasm getting close. She groaned when he stopped. "What the fuck Barber?"

He chuckled, "not yet." He crawled on top of her, trailing kisses up to her mouth as she turned her face away from him.

She placed her hands on his chest, pushing on him as she felt her chest tightening, "no no no. Get off."

"Jules. It's okay."

She shook her head, pressing her hands against his chest, not looking at him, "no. Get off!"

Andy sighed, laying next to her as she sat up, trying to catch her breath. He grabbed her arm, "it's okay. Don't stop now. You can be on top."

Juliette hesitated, but nodded as she didn't want to stop either. She straddled him on the bed, lowering herself onto him as they both moaned quietly. "I'm sorry."

Andy shook his head as he sat up, wrapping his arms around her waist, "don't be. Is this okay?She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck. He held firmly onto her as he helped to guide her onto him as he kissed from her shoulder to her neck, "I was so worried I wouldn't get to tell you that I love you."

Juliette groaned, hearing his voice break slightly at the end of his confession, placing a hand at the nape of his neck, "I'm not going anywhere." She heard him moan as she locked her lips in his, finding his tongue as she felt her orgasm again right on the edge. She heard him moaning as he swelled inside her, not letting her go as they rode it out together. "I love you too Andy."

He nodded, resting his head against hers, "god I missed you."

"Me too."

He kissed her on the forehead before setting her next to him. "I'm gonna go clean up downstairs and check on the kids. I'll be right back." Andy pulled on some shorts before going downstairs to grab his shirt and pick up the wine, turning off the lights. He checked on Emily to see her asleep with Bailey on the floor next to her. He chuckled before going to Jacob's room to find him asleep as well. He entered the bedroom, closing the door behind him to find Juliette asleep already in the middle of the bed. She had gotten up and pulled on one of his shirts. It was the first time in months she was asleep before him. He crawled into bed behind her as he felt her move closer to him as he wrapped his arms around her.

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