Chapter 4

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Juliette huffed as she entered the house with Emily Friday afternoon. She jumped when she saw Andy come out from the kitchen, "fuck." She groaned, covering her mouth, "sorry."

He laughed, grabbing Emily from her, "are you okay? Bad day?"

She nodded and sighed, "just tired. What are you doing here?"

Andy chuckled, "I live here?"

She blushed, "that's not what I meant."

He laughed, "I know. I didn't have court or anything so I came home early to work from home."

"Right." She nodded, turning away from him, "I have my bag in the car. I'll be right back." Andy took Emily into the kitchen for a snack, setting her in her chair as he grabbed some food for her. He laughed as she giggled and he took his seat beside her. Juliette came into the house, taking her stuff to her room before coming back downstairs to see Andy feeding Emily, "thanks."

He shrugged, "she's my daughter. Don't thank me for taking care of her."

Juliette chuckled, "right." She grabbed the spoon from him as he stood up. She couldn't help but feel the building tension between them as he watched her for a moment before pulling away from her.

"I'm gonna go take a shower."

Juliette nodded, watching Andy tidy up his work before going upstairs. She finished feeding Emily, noticing she was sleepy. She took her to her room, setting her in her crib with a bottle. She came out of Emily's room to see Andy's bedroom door slightly open, him having just stepped out of the shower. She was frozen in her spot as she watched his back muscles as he dried his hair with his towel, her eyes roaming down his back to his bare ass. He turned around for her to see him semi hard before he held his towel in front of him. She moved her eyes up his torso to see him looking at her, making her blush. He only smirked at her as he closed the door. She went downstairs to clean up after Emily, hearing him come down the stairs before she finished.

Andy grinned, seeing Juliette avoiding looking at him as she washed Emily's high chair tray in the sink. He leaned against the counter next to her, crossing his arms, "enjoy the show?"

She blushed, groaning as she continued to look at the sink, "I'm really sorry Andy." When she finally looked up at him, she found him grinning down at her, heat in his gaze.

"Sorry you saw me? Or sorry I caught you?"

She giggled as he smirked, "that you caught me? I shouldn't have looked though, I'm sorry."

He shrugged, "don't be. Not if you liked what you saw. I'm not ashamed."

She groaned again, her face now a bright shade of red, "Mr. Barber."

He sighed, "I know. I'm sorry. Does it make you uncomfortable?"

She shook her head, smiling as he heart raced, "I wish it did."

He chuckled, moving behind her as she stood at the sink. He pressed his chest against her back, resting his hands on either side of her on the counter as he leaned down to her ear, "I like when you call me Mr. Barber. It turns me on." He smiled as he heard her breath hitch, "I thought about you in the shower." Juliette moaned softly at his words, feeling his breath on her neck. She felt him hover for a minute, nuzzling her neck, his beard scratching lightly along the sensitive skin. She swallowed hard at his pressed his hips into her, causing her to feel his hard in his pants as he did. Andy closed his eyes, moaning as Juliette pushed back against his throbbing cock before turning to face him. He opened his eyes as she watched him, hovering her mouth near his, their breaths mixing.

"I have work to do Mr. Barber."

He could only nod as he moved for her leave her spot. He groaned once she left the kitchen, feeling his cock aching painfully for her.


Andy rolled over to face Laurie as she climbed into bed with him later that night. "Hi." He began to kiss her neck, pinning her underneath him as she groaned, placing her hands on his chest.

"I'm tired Andy."

He shrugged, chuckling, "so let me help you get to sleep."

She sighed, "not tonight Andy."

He groaned, laying back as he stared at the ceiling, "you're always tired. You never want to anything. You said you wanted to work on things but you're always working late. You never want to make love. There isn't even anything here anymore."

"Of course there is Andy. I just don't feel like having sex tonight. It isn't that big a deal."

Andy sighed, "right. Well I can't sleep. I'm going downstairs to work." He didn't hear a response from her as she rolled away from him and he stood up from the bed. He rolled his eyes, shutting the door quietly as he left the bedroom. He noticed Juliette's door slightly open, hearing something from her room. He peeked in to see her in her bed, touching herself under the blanket as she moaned quietly. He felt himself instantly hard as he watched her.

Juliette opened her eyes, noticing Andy watching her from the doorway. She smiled, moving the blanket down for him to see her fully naked. She heard him moan softly as he opened the door, entering to close the door quietly behind him as he watched her, staying next to the door. She moaned quietly, "Mr. Barber."

Andy saw her watching him as she inserted two fingers inside herself, fingering herself urgently. He whispered, "I want to see you cum for me." He heard her moan and nod as she massaged her breasts with her other hand.

Juliette saw him rubbing his cock through his underwear as he watched her. She felt the intensity rising inside her at him watching her, sending her over the edge as she moaned, "Mr. Barber."

He moaned at her moaning his name as he watched the pleasure washing over her face, her body thrashing against her hand before the orgasm subsided. He heard her panting, watching him. "Good girl. Goodnight Jules."

She giggled, "goodnight Mr. Barber." She laid, out of breath as she watched him shut the door behind him as he left. She sighed, staring at the ceiling as she covered herself back up with the blanket, knowing she was crossing a line with him but that she wasn't sure she cared.

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