Chapter 11

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Juliette jolted awake to the door downstairs being slammed shut on Sunday morning. She looked to see Andy wake up too. He got out of bed, peeking out of his room to see Jacob go into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. He closed his door, looking back at Juliette, "you should probably go to your room. Jacob is back early."

She sighed, standing up to wrap her arms around his torso as he leaned down to capture her lips with his. She moaned as he pushed her against the door, his lips finding her neck, "Andy. You told me to leave."

He groaned, resting his head against hers, "I know. I have zero self control. Go before I throw you back on the bed and take you right now."

She hesitated as he pulled away. She giggled, lowering her voice, "I want you to take me Mr. Barber." She peeked out the door as she heard him growl behind her, smacking her ass before she walked to her own room.

Andy got dressed before knocking on Jacob's door, peeking his head in to see him playing video games, "hey. You're home a bit early."

Jacob shrugged, "is that not okay?"

Andy chuckled, closing the door before sitting on the edge of the bed, "of course it is." He watched him for a moment before sighing, "can we talk about something?"

Jacob sighed, setting his controller down to face Andy, "okay. About what?"

"About your mother and me."

Jacob nodded, "what about it? Are you getting a divorce? Are you sleeping with Julie?"

Andy hesitated, feeling his face flush, "what makes you think any of that?"

Jacob shrugged, "you and mom fight constantly. You have for a long time. Slightly less so since Julie got here. And I'm not an idiot, I've seen the way you two look at each other when you don't think anyone is watching."

"So many things to unpack with what you just said. You really think we fight less since Julie got here? And what do you mean, you see the way we look at each other? How do we look at each other?"

Jacob rolled his eyes as he scoffed, "come on. I'm a teenager, I know what two people that want to fuck look like. Or are fucking."

Andy cleared his throat, "language bud."

"Whatever. You've been fighting less, because Julie is giving you whatever mom can't."

Andy shook his head, "no. That isn't it at all. Sure, Julie and I are friends. But she has nothing to do with my relationship with your mother. Like you said, we've been fighting for a long time. The fact of the matter is that we don't make each other happy anymore. Sometimes it happens. We've become different people, grown and changed."

Jacob nodded, "I know dad. So are you getting a divorce?"

Andy sighed, "we haven't fully discussed it yet, but yes. How do you feel about that?"

Jacob shrugged, "you obviously aren't happy together. I just want you to be happy dad. Mom too."

Andy smiled, standing up. "Okay. Just so long as you know it has nothing to do with you."

Jacob nodded, grabbing his controller. "I know." He watched Andy turn to leave the room, "dad?"

Andy turned back to him, "yeah?"

"Does Julie make you happy?"

"Jacob..." He groaned, shaking his head as he tried to decide what to say.

Jacob smiled, "I won't tell mom."

Andy sighed, resting his head against the door, "thank you."


Andy and Jacob were sitting at the kitchen table, doing work while Juliette sat at the counter doing homework when they heard Laurie come home late in the afternoon on Sunday.

"It's so quiet in here!" Laurie walked into the kitchen, smiling as she handed Emily to Juliette. "She hardly slept the whole car ride home."

"Um. Okay." Juliette grabbed Emily as she closed her books, setting her work in a pile on the counter. She made a bottle before taking Emily to her room. She got her changed and fed as she rocked her. "Hello sweet girl." She smiled as Emily giggled as Juliette handed her a bottle. She had her asleep for a nap quickly before leaving Emily's room. She saw Jacob in the hallway with her stuff. She took them from him, "thanks."

Jacob nodded, "they wanted to talk."

"Oh. Sure." Juliette nodded as she went to her room, sitting at her desk, aware the Jacob followed her as he leaned against the doorframe. "What's the matter?"

Jacob shrugged, "just want you to know that I'm okay with it."

"Okay with what?"

"You and my dad."

Juliette groaned, her face turning bright red, "look. I don't know what you think is going on, but...."

Jacob rolled his eyes, "seriously, you guys all act like I'm dumb. I'm 16."

Juliette stood up from her desk, "Jacob, I.."

He scoffed as he shook his head, "it doesn't matter."


Andy looked at Laurie as she sat across from him, "so did you have a good time at your mother's?"

She shrugged, "it was fine." She leaned towards him, "I missed you though."

Andy sighed, leaning away from her, "Laurie. You said we could talk about splitting up when you got back."

Laurie shook her head, "I said we could talk about our relationship when I got back. Not necessarily breaking up. I don't want to separate Andy. I love you."

Andy scoffed, "no. You love the idea in your head of who you think I am Laurie. Not me. Not anymore. We aren't the same people we were when we got together." He sighed, "I think it's better if we just face that and move on Laurie."

Laurie groaned, "I just don't know Andy. What about Emily? Jacob?"

He shrugged, "we would work it out. We could figure out something fair to both. Equal guardianship." He leaned towards her, "please Laurie. I'm not happy here and I know you aren't either."

"Is this about someone else? Have you met someone else?"

Andy rolled his eyes, "no. This has nothing to do with anyone but you and me. Please Laurie. Let's just move on before we start to resent each other."

Laurie leaned back in her chair. "Can we wait until after Christmas? After the first of the year?"

Andy sighed, "fine. But as of this point forward, I consider us separated. Feel free to date if you want."

Laurie watched him stand up, "are you going to be dating?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. I will be sleeping on the couch though."

Laurie scoffed, "you're going to sleep on the couch for three months?!"

"I've been sleeping on the couch off and on for years Laurie."

She sighed, standing up, "we can still sleep in the same bed. Don't sleep on the couch Andy."

"Fine." He shook his head as he watched her walk away. It was easier to give in to her than to continue to fight. He was tired of fighting and just wanted some peace, away from her.

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