Chapter 13

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Juliette sighed as she sat across from Brie for lunch. "Hey."

Brie chuckled, "don't sound so happy to see me. Happy birthday Julie."


Brie watched her looking at the menu. She reached over, pulling it down, "what's the matter?" Before she could answer, the waitress came over, "a bottle of wine please. Red and sweet." She heard Juliette chuckle as the waitress walked away. "So? Is it the hot daddy? School? Your birthday?"

Juliette laughed, "yes. Everything."

Brie nodded, "okay... one thing at a time then. Daddy Barber?"

She groaned, rolling her eyes. She loved her friend more than anything, she had become like a sister to her since she moved to Boston for school. "Don't call him that. He's only a bit more than 10 years older than me. And I don't know. He's sleeping on the couch. He said him and Laurie are splitting up but she doesn't want to make it official until after the first of the year. So we still have to sneak around. Which on one hand is super hot. On the other hand makes me feel shitty and cheap. Even though he told her she's allowed to date. So why can't he?"

Brie shrugged, "yeah. Why can't he? He doesn't want her to know that you are dating? Are you dating?"

"I don't know! We really only had the one, inside his house. Not like ADA Barber can be seen out with his nanny." She laid her head on the table, "I never should have engaged in flirting with him. This could never work. What is the matter with me?" She looked up as the waitress brought them both wine. Once they ordered food, she looked back at Brie, "he offered me an internship at the DA's office."

"What?! You're going to take it right?"

Juliette shrugged, "I didn't earn it. He just likes my mouth wrapped around his cock."

Brie laughed, almost choking on her wine, "I mean, use your skills to your advantage." She leaned towards her friend, "look, you're really smart. He knows that. The other stuff is just icing on the cake. Think about your marketability if you have an internship at the DA's office on your resume. Take it and shut up."

Juliette laughed, "yes ma'am." She went to say something when a guy that looked about their age with dark hair came up to them.

"Brie! How are you?"

Brie groaned, "Jack! I'm just having lunch with my friend for her birthday. How are you?"

Jack turned to Juliette, holding out his hand to her, "I'm Jack."

Juliette chuckled and shook his hand, "I sort of got that. I'm Julie. How do you know Brie?"

"We work at the restaurant together. Jack does dishes."

Jack nodded his agreement, looking at Juliette intensely before looking back at Brie, "I guess I'll see you tonight then?"

Brie half smiled, nodding as Jack hesitated before walking away.

Juliette laughed, "who is that?!"

Brie groaned, "the guy at work that constantly asks me out that I told you about?"

Juliette nodded, "oh right. You said he kind of creeps you out, right?"

Brie sighed, "yeah. He's 30 and still lives with his mother. He's always talking to himself. And he's always listening to murder podcasts back in the kitchen when he's working."


After lunch, Brie and Juliette were walking around the mall when Juliette noticed Ian. She sighed before walking up to him, tapping him on the shoulder, "Ian."

He turned around, "Julie. Hi." He smiled as he looked from Brie to Juliette.

Juliette motioned to Brie, "this is my friend Brie. Look, I just wanted to apologize for last week. I'm sorry if I came off rude. It was super early in the morning and not sleeping and the intensity of the situation. Anyways, I'm sorry."

Ian chuckled, shaking his head, "no. It's really fine. You're right, it was inappropriate anyways. I'm sorry Julie." He hesitated, "are you really seeing someone or was that just you telling me to fuck off?"

Juliette laughed, "well it's complicated? I'm sort of dating someone. I don't really know actually."

He nodded, "I don't know what that means, but okay. Can I buy you a coffee?"

She looked from Brie, back to him, "sure. I'd like that." She turned back to Brie, "I'll see you later, okay?"

Brie nodded, "sure. Happy birthday Julie."

Once Brie walked away, Ian nudged her shoulder, "it's your birthday?"

Juliette nodded, groaning, "it is."

He smiled, "I know a bakery around the corner. Let me buy you a coffee and a cupcake?"

She chuckled, "sure."


Juliette sat at a small table at the bakery as she watched Ian come up to her with a chocolate cupcake and a cup of coffee. He set them both in front of her. "Happy birthday! How old are you today?"

She gave him a smile as she watched him sit across from her, "26. How old are you?"

"I'm 30. Thanks for agreeing to let me buy you coffee. Letting me redeem myself."

She chuckled, "I thought it was for me to redeem myself. I felt bad for coming off rude."

He shrugged, "it's fine. Let's just forget about it?"

Juliette smiled, "I'd like that." She peeled the paper off her cupcake before taking a bite. She moaned softly. "It's so good."

He laughed, "I'm glad you like." She offered him some but he shook his head, "I don't like chocolate."

"What?! Who doesn't like chocolate?" She laughed as he shrugged, "a vanilla guy? Classic."

He chuckled, nodding, "I guess so." He leaned towards her, "so you said you're in school?"

She nodded, "yeah. Last semester of law school. What do you like to do Ian? In your free time."

He shrugged, "I'm mostly pretty solitary. I'm kinda of boring Julie."

She laughed, "aren't we all."

"So you work for ADA Barber?"

She nodded, watching him fiddle nervously with his hands on the table in front of him, "I do." She heard her phone ding, seeing a message from Andy asking where she was. She sighed, "I should go. Thanks for the coffee and cupcake Ian."

He smiled as he stood up, "of course. Thanks for letting me." He hesitated before leaning down to kiss her on the cheek, "can I have your number? Maybe we could hang out again sometime?"

Juliette nodded, "sure." She handed him her phone, watching him put his number in before handing it back to her. "Thanks again Ian."

Nanny Series - Andy Barber 💜Where stories live. Discover now