Bonus Wedding Chapter

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******2 Years Later******

"Are you nervous little one?"

Juliette glanced up at Peter as he entered her dressing room with Brie and Aimee. "Not really." He cocked a brow, smirking at her as she laughed, "okay. Maybe a little bit."

He nodded, "it'll all be fine. I promise. You look beautiful."

"Thank you. How are the kids?"

"The twins and Robbie are sitting with Aimee's parents along with Emily. Everything is fine little one. Just breathe."

She nodded, letting out a long breath. "Okay." She wasn't sure why she was nervous, not like she expected Andy to make a run for it. Not after all this time. She glanced at Peter, "thank you, for standing up with Andy today. And for letting Dan walk me down the aisle. I always pictured it would have been you."

He grinned, "me too. But he should be the one to walk you. I don't mind. I'm happy to stand up with Jacob for Andy. I love you."

She sniffled, "I love you too. Please don't make me cry before I even get married." He laughed, hearing a knock on the door. He opened it to find Jacob so he moved out of the way to let him in. "Jacob honey, what are you doing here?"

He grinned, handing her a velvet box. "I've been sent as the best man to deliver you your wedding present from the groom."

"Wedding present?!" She accepted the box and sat in the chair in the corner of the room. She opened the box to find a note on top so she opened that first, reading it quietly to herself.

I wanted to share our vows personally, between just us and keep the generic ones for in front of everyone else. Today will be the best day of my life, just shy of the birth of all of my children which are all tied for number 1. I can't imagine what I did in a past life to be rewarded so much to find you in this one. You've given me more than I could ever hope for as mother to my children and the owner of my heart. I love you so much and I can't wait to call you my wife. I've been so looking forward to calling you Mrs. Barber for a long time. I almost can't believe that today is finally the day. I hope you love the gift. I'll see you soon. I'll be the one at the end of the aisle in black.

I love you for eternity,

She giggled, dabbing her eyes dry with a tissue. Her face reddened slightly at everyone watching her as she finally glanced down at the present before her. It was a silver necklace with a diamond crusted infinity pendant. She pulled it out of the box and handed it to Jacob, turning slightly to allow him to place it around her neck. "Tell your father thank you."

Jacob nodded, "yeah. Anything else?"

"Of course." She stood up and pulled a slip of paper from her bag that contained her clothes, "give this to him."

Jacob grinned, "you got it. I'll see you out there. You look beautiful Julie."

She wrapped him in a hug, "thank you. I'll see you in a bit." She looked at everyone else, "can everyone just give me a minute." She looked at Peter, "wait a few minutes then send my dad in?"

He nodded, "of course little one."


Jacob entered the room Andy waited in for the ceremony to start. "You were right, she cried." He handed the slip of paper to Andy as they both laughed.

"Thank you. She like the necklace?"

"Of course she did. She's wearing it now."

Andy grinned, "thanks. Give me a minute?" Jacob nodded and left him in the room alone as he opened up the note from Juliette.

I knew you would go and do something romantic like passing me a note before the ceremony so I wanted to make sure that I was prepared as well. I'm not sure I could ever be able to express how much you mean to me or how deep my love for you runs. You're the most amazing man I've ever met and our daughters are going to have a hard time finding someone to stack up to how their daddy treats them. You're such an amazing father not only to our daughters, but our sons as well. You instill in them the kind heart you have and I hope they never let that go. 
You're the only man I've ever loved. You're always so patient and kind with me and never stop showing me how much you love and care for me. You own me completely. My entire heart and soul are yours and yours alone and I can't imagine sharing that with anyone else ever again. I love you so much Andrew Barber and I can't wait to become Juliette Barber and spend the rest of my lifetimes with you.

Forever yours,

Andy smiled and nodded, folding the paper back up neatly and placed it inside his suit jacket over his heart. He looked up when he heard a knock on the door, seeing Jacob poke his head inside.

"It's time dad. You ready?"

"Beyond ready bud. Let's go."


Juliette slipped her arm through Dan's as they approached the double doors. She took a deep breath as they opened before them and the music began to play. Her eyes quickly found Andy's at the end of the aisle. She glanced to the right to see Jacob and Peter standing up with him, smiles on their faces. On the left, Brie and Aimee stood, waiting for her to approach, with their own smiles and a few tears as well. She grinned, looking back at Andy as they approached, releasing her father to take Andy's hand and handed her bouquet back to Brie.

Andy leaned down to her ear, "you look beautiful love." 

"Shh." She grinned as he chuckled and winked at her as the ceremony started. She kept her eyes locked firmly on Andy's, smiles on both of their faces as she felt the heat pooling deep in her stomach from his heated gaze. She practically moaned when she finally heard that they could kiss and Andy pulled her body firmly to his, leaning down to press his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her a few more times before finally pulling away. 

"Now can I say you look beautiful?"

She giggled and nodded, "yes Mr. Barber, you may."

He grinned, keeping his hands on her waist, "well I must say that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever met Mrs. Barber. Especially today."

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