Chapter 30

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"Let's go get something to eat. We'll come back later."

Juliette looked up as Peter walked up to her and Andy, followed by Aimee. "Sure." She wiped the tears that streaked her cheeks with the back of her hands as Peter offered her a sympathetic look.

They all found a table at a local bar and restaurant, Juliette sitting next to Peter and Andy and Aimee sitting across from them. Juliette looked at Peter after they ordered food, "shots?"

Peter laughed, "I'll get us some."

She looked back at Andy who only chuckled as she shrugged, "what?!"

"Nothing. I've just never really seen you drink except the occasional wine with me. I've never even seen you drunk before."

Juliette shrugged again as Peter returned to the table. "I told you I used to go out drinking with Brie. Also, it isn't everyday I'm forced to return back to this shit hole." She watched Andy laugh again as she grabbed her shot, just stopping before it reached her lips. She set it back down on the table as she watched the man across the room. She took her shot before grabbing Andy's.

"Hey! That's mine!" He looked behind him to see what she was looking at to see an older gentleman that looked to be in his 70's. He looked at Peter who looked at the man.

Peter slid his shot to Juliette, "that's her father."

Andy looked back at the man again as he turned around, "oh. I see."

Juliette looked at the man as he stopped to look at her before approaching the table. She quickly finished Peter and Aimee's shots as he did.

"Julie? Is that you?"

Andy watched the man with the same eyes as Juliette. His hair was a soft gray, but he could imagine it being just like Juliette's dirty blonde hair.

Juliette sighed, "yeah."

Peter leaned towards them, "can I help you with something Mr. Morris?"

The man shook his head, "I heard about your mother. I'm really sorry."

Juliette scoffed, avoiding looking at him, "I'm sure you are."

"I think you have me all wrong Julie. Please."

Andy stood up, looking from Juliette to the man, "can you go please?"

The man sighed, pulling a card from his pocket, "I'd like to talk while you're in town. Please." He set the card on the table in front of Juliette before walking away.

Andy sat back down, looking at Juliette, "are you okay?"

She nodded, picking up the card to see his name: Daniel Morris along with his number. "I'm fine Andy." She put the card in her back pocket before leaning back as their food arrived. She looked at Peter, "what do you think he meant by me having him all wrong?"

Peter shrugged, "I don't really know Julie."


Juliette gripped Andy's hand as they followed Peter and Aimee into the house. She laughed as Peter held up two bottles of whiskey, making Eddie and Derrick grin.

"Julie, Pete. I'm glad you guys are here." Juliette only nodded at Eddie as he motioned to the girl beside him, "this is my girlfriend Leslie."

Juliette shook the girls hand, "nice to meet you. I'm Julie. This is my..." She looked at Andy, "boyfriend? Partner. I don't know. This is my Andy."

Andy laughed, shaking the girls hand. "You can call me Julie's Andy. I don't mind. She's a little drunk already."

Juliette laughed, hitting him in the chest as she faced him, "we just never really discussed it. Feels silly saying boyfriend at our age."

He grinned, "it's fine." He heard his phone ring, seeing it was Jacob.

Juliette watched him step into the corner of the room to answer it, "it's his son."

"Son?" Derrick scoffed, "you really are like mom."

Peter rolled his eyes, "don't start." He shoved a bottle of whiskey at Derrick's chest, "shut up and drink."

Derrick grabbed the bottle from Peter, "are you always going to baby her? You always took care of her."

Peter scoffed, "of course I did. There was no one else around to do it."

Juliette sighed, "can we not fight?"

Derrick rolled his eyes, "of course you don't want us to fight. Peter's always defending you."

Peter slammed his hand on the table. "I had to! Our mother barely did the bare minimum. Not to mention the endless string of random men that were paraded through the house that were always looking at her. I had to sleep in her room so..."

Juliette groaned, "Peter, don't!"

He sighed, nodding as he looked back at Derrick, "I took care of you just as much as I took care of her. Who do you think made you dinner when our mother was too strung out on drugs or alcohol? Who helped you with your homework? Who made sure you got to school? You seem to have a selective memory about growing up because you're too much of a mama's boy to remember."

"Jules." Andy grabbed her arm while still on the phone, "Jacob wants to talk to you."

She looked at her brothers once more before grabbing the phone from Andy. She heard Emily crying as Jacob's face popped up on the screen, "Jacob? Honey, what's the matter?"

'Julie. Emily won't stop crying. My mom is downstairs, I think she gave up trying to put her to sleep. She keeps yelling for mama, but I think she means you.'

She looked at Jacob panned the video down to Emily, "hey sweet girl, what's the matter?" She heard Emily start to quiet down at the sound of her voice. "Sing to her Jacob."

'Sing what?!'

She chuckled, singing quietly, "anything. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." She smiled as Jacob sang it with her while Emily quieted down. She heard him sigh before setting her down.

'Thanks for helping me Julie. I'm really sorry about your mom. I love you.'

Juliette looked up at Andy who only smiled before looking back at Jacob, "I appreciate that. And I love you too bud. Goodnight."

'Night Julie.'

She handed the phone back to Andy with tears in her eyes. "Did you hear him?"

He nodded, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her to his chest, "I did. They both love you Jules."

Peter looked at his brothers as they watched her interaction with Jacob, "see. Not like mom."

Juliette sighed, wiping her cheeks as she looked at Peter, "it's fine Pete. I just want to get this over with so we can get back home to the kids."

Derrick scoffed, "can't have your own kids, so you cling onto his?"

"Hey!" Andy went to approach him but Peter stood in front of him.

"You have no idea what you're talking about or what she's been through! Why are you such a dick all the time?!" He shook his head before balling his hand into a fist, punching Derrick in the nose as he grunted.

Juliette and Aimee groaned as Aimee grabbed Peter's arm, "Pete babe, let's just go."

Juliette nodded, looking at Andy, "just take me back to the hotel."

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