Chapter 3

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Andy checked Emily's room on Monday morning after waking up Jacob to find it empty. He looked to see Juliette's empty as well. Her room was tidy with her bed made. He looked at her bookshelf to see the books all organized neatly. He headed to the kitchen to find her sitting at the counter, doing homework. "Good morning Julie." He saw Emily in her high chair next to her, eating some fruit and scrambled eggs. He leaned over, kissing Emily on the head as he watched Juliette look up at him over her glasses, her blue eyes shining as she did.

"Morning." She pointed behind him, "I made pancakes and coffee." She watched him smirk as he turned to pour himself a cup of coffee. Her eyes grazed over his body, taking in the sight of his tight black slacks and neatly tucked in white shirt. She had to quickly glance back down when he turned back to her. He held out the carafe to her, offering her some as she nodded, holding out her own mug.

"Thank you. Where have you found the time?" He grinned as he set the carafe back in its place before turning back to her. He leaned against the counter, sipping on the coffee as he watched her.

She shrugged, placing her mug back down next to her, "I wake up early." She pointed to Emily, "so does she."

Andy chuckled, "well I appreciate it. Thank you again Julie. Jules. Can I call you Jules?"

She smiled, looking up to find him watching her, "you can call me Jules if you like. And you're welcome, Andy." She felt her face redden at his gaze as he moved across the kitchen to stand next to her to look at her book. She answered him before he could ask, "torts."

He nodded, hovering his mouth inches from her ear, "I see. Well, let me know if you ever need any help."

"Thank you Andy. I appreciate that." She swallowed hard at the feeling of his breath on her neck as she closed her books, putting them in her bag as she watched Laurie and Jacob enter the kitchen. Andy pulled away from her and picked up Emily as Juliette handed him a towel. "Don't want to get your shirt all messed up."

He smiled, shrugging, "it happens."

"Good morning Julie. Did you make breakfast?"

Juliette smiled at Laurie, pulling her eyes away from Andy and Emily, "I did. I hope it's okay."

"It's great! I normally have frozen waffles." Jacob grabbed a plate and started piling pancakes on it.

Juliette laughed at Jacob, "well, I'm happy to help." She watched Laurie kiss Emily on the head, but otherwise ignore her as she made herself coffee and her own plate for breakfast. Juliette grabbed Emily from Andy, "I'll drop her off before school. Have a good day everyone."

Andy nodded, watching her grab her stuff and Emily's stuff, "wait. Let me help you to the car."

She sighed, "thank you." Andy grabbed Emily and her bag and followed Juliette out to her car. He strapped Emily into her seat in the backseat, setting her bag in the front as Juliette watched him. She stood next to the car, feeling slightly awkward at him watching her, "thank you, Andy."

He nodded, hesitating as he watched her, "have a good day Jules." She nodded, blushing at his over enunciation of her name before she rushed into the car.


"So, how's it going Julie?"

She groaned, sitting next to Brie in her last class of the day. "It's going good.."


She looked at her friend, "but? I don't know. Things seem a little awkward with Andy."

"Oooh!" Brie laughed, nudging her friend's shoulder, "I told you!"

"Shh!" Juliette looked around at a few people looking at them, "not so loud Brie."

She giggled but lowered her voice, moving closer to Juliette, "sorry. So you like him, huh?"

Juliette shrugged, "I didn't say that. I said things were awkward. I catch him looking at me. Ugh. You're right, he's super hot Brie."

Brie laughed, "I told you. Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"No. I like it.... I'm an awful person, aren't I?"

Brie laughed again as Juliette rested her head down on the desk, "no you aren't. Who doesn't like attention from an attractive man?"

Juliette groaned, "he's married. I should have met him before taking the job. But it's too late now." She sat up straight as she heard their professor enter the room.


Juliette knocked on Andy's office, peeking in to see him stand up from his desk. He had called her after class to bring him a new shirt and tie from home. "Jules! Thank god. I have court in a bit. Close the door."

She nodded, entering the office quickly as she watched him undo his shirt and tie that had a stain on it until he stood in front of her in a t-shirt. She handed him the new shirt and tie, seeing him watching her as he buttoned his new shirt. He undid his belt and pants as he tucked in the new shirt, smirking as she blushed, turning away from him. She heard him chuckle behind her as she shook her head, embarrassed. Especially at the heat that pooled in her lower stomach and the wetness that grew in her panties.


She turned back to him as he began to tie his tie, "yes. The blue shirt is better, Mr. Barber... Andy. Sorry."

He shook his head, taking a step towards her, "don't be. I like hearing you call me Mr. Barber." He smiled as she smirked, "is my tie straight?"

She closed the distance, locking eyes with him as he ran his tongue across his lower lip. She grabbed his tie, centering it, running her hand down it as she finished, "looks good Mr. Barber." She rested her hand on his chest as she saw him looking at her lips and back up to her eyes.

His voice was quiet, "thank you Jules." He saw her nod, but not move. He didn't want her to move. He wanted to close the distance, lock his lips with hers, run his fingers through her long blonde hair. He could tell she was thinking the same as she swallowed hard, "you should go."

Juliette nodded, clearing her throat as she took a step away from him, "yes. Mr. Barber." She smiled as he smirked at her before she left his office.

Andy looked up from packing his briefcase as he heard his door open again as Neal Loguidice entered. "I have to get to court. What's up Neal?"

Neal smiled, "who was that girl?"

Andy shrugged, "our nanny. I sent her to get me a new shirt. No big deal."

Neal chuckled, "no big deal? She's smoking. Do you know if she's seeing anyone?"

Andy shook his head, "stay away from her. She's too young for you Neal. And she's a good nanny. I don't want you messing that up for me."

Neal nodded, "oh I see. You've already claimed her?"

Andy scoffed, "don't be gross. I'm married. I just don't want you messing with her." He watched Neal roll his eyes before he left his office. Neal wasn't completely wrong, Andy wanted her even though he knew he couldn't. But if he couldn't have her, he certainly didn't want Neal to have her.

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