Chapter 24

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"Andy?! What is going on?"

Andy looked up to see Peter enter the office as he stood up with him, "Pete. You're here."

Peter nodded, motioning to Aimee beside him, "this is my girlfriend Aimee. Brie called and said something about Juliette missing? What the fuck is going on?"

Andy shook Aimee's hand before looking back at Peter. "Juliette was taken by a guy named Ian. He is top suspect as of now of a string of killings of women that roughly fit Juliette's description."

"What?! What are you talking about?! I thought you guys were at the ball together? What happened Andy?"

"Honey. Calm down. I'm sure that they're doing everything they can." Aimee went to reach for Peter's arm but he pulled it away from her, not taking his eyes off Andy.

Andy shook his head, "we were! We were at the ball together and she went to the bathroom. Once she had been gone for too long, I went looking for her. I ran into a waiter that said he saw her leave with Ian."

Peter nodded, seething through his clenched jaw, "and how long has she been gone?!"

Andy sighed, looking at the clock, "five hours?"

"Oh my god!" He pushed Andy backwards hard, "this is all your fault! How could I have ever been okay with her being with you?! I sent her back here to you! And now she's been kidnapped?!"

Neal intervened, standing between Peter and Andy, "come on man. It isn't his fault. He's as upset as you are. We're trying to find her."

Andy groaned, sitting back on the couch, "no. He's right. It's all my fault." He couldn't contain the stress and worry he had been keeping in the last few hours as he felt his eyes welling, "I didn't even get to tell her that I love her."

Peter sighed, staring at the floor as he shook his head before sitting next to Andy. "Stop your wallowing. She knew, okay? She'll know. We'll find her." He looked up at Neal, "this guy, what does he do to these girls?"

Neal hesitated, looking from Andy to Peter, "you don't want to know."

Peter rubbed his head in his hands as he tried not to imagine whatever was happening to his sister, "that's what I was afraid of." He threaded his fingers through Aimee's as she sat down beside him.

Andy got up from the couch, going into the conference room. "The girls were found in roughly the same place in the woods. Maybe we should start searching. A cabin? A hideout? Something."

"Way ahead of you." Duffy entered the room behind him, laying a map on the table in front of them. "Ian's grandfather had a cabin. We haven't checked it out yet. It was still in his name, took us a while to find it."

"Well let's go!"

Duffy looked at Lynn who grabbed Andy's arm, "maybe you should stay here and let the police go."

"No!" Andy looked up at Peter as he entered the room, "we're both going."

Andy nodded, "you can't go without me Lynn. I'll just follow anyways."

Lynn sighed, "fine. But you stay behind the officers. Don't need one of my ADA's getting hurt." She motioned to Peter, "or a civilian." Andy looked at Peter as they both nodded their agreement.


Juliette watched Ian pace, obviously frazzled. "You thought I would be an easier mark than I was, didn't you? You know that they're going to find us. They all know I'm missing. I was supposed to go home with Andy. You think he that isn't out looking for me right now?"

"Shut up!"

She shrugged as he turned back to face her and she tried to remain confident, not letting him get to her, "maybe you should just let me go now Ian."

He shook his head, "no. It's too late. They will have already searched my place by now. They've already found it."

"Found what Ian?"

He grinned wickedly, "my souvenirs. I could kill you now and leave and start over somewhere else. That would be a shame though."

Juliette rolled her eyes. "No. You like the attention. You think a lot of yourself, don't you? You think you've been careful. But you haven't." She looked around, "you have been leaving the girls in the woods. Near what? Your cabin? Is that what this place is?" She closed her eyes, listening, "next to the water." She shrugged, "maybe you'll kill me. But they'll find you regardless."

"You're such a bitch! I can't believe that I wanted you. You're all the same!"

She watched him approach her on the bed, straddling her as he tied her arms back to the headboard while she tried to thrash him off of her. He grinned as he pulled out a piece of cloth, tying it around her mouth before pulling out a knife. She whimpered as he ran the knife up and down her nightgown before using it to slice it open right down the middle, exposing her to him. He moved down, using the knife to cut off her panties as she thrashed, making him cut her hip as she did. She yelped out in pain as he laughed.

"Well it's your own fault."

She looked away from him as she heard him undoing his jeans. He stood up, removing his jeans, tossing them on a chair in the corner of the room. She tried moving away from him as he positioned himself between her legs.


Andy and Peter followed shortly behind a few officers as a cabin came into view. Andy started to run ahead towards the cabin but the officer in front of him put his arm out, keeping Andy behind him. Once the cabin was surrounded, Duffy stood in front of the door of the cabin. "Officer Dawson? You are surrounded. Come out with your hands raised." She heard some rustling, but otherwise nothing, "don't make me come in there!"

Juliette watched Ian panicking, standing behind the front door as she used her mouth and tongue to remove the gag. "ANDY!?"

Ian turned back to her as he heard Andy yell from outside.


"Shut up!" He went to approach her on the bed as he heard the door behind him open and he was down on the floor with his face down.

Andy ran into the cabin, past Duffy and another officer as they dragged Ian from the cabin still in his underwear. He found Juliette on the bed, crying, her arms and legs tied. "I'm here baby." He found a blanket to cover her naked and bruised body before untying her hands and feet. He brought his hand up to her hair as he pulled her into his lap, "Jules. I'm so sorry. I love you so much."

"Shut up." She pressed her lips to his softly before resting her head on his shoulder as he lifted her, carrying her from the cabin, to the EMTs. She saw Peter come up to her as she sat in the back of the ambulance, "Pete? What are you doing here?"

He smiled, cupping her cheeks in his hands, "Andy called me. Are you okay?"

She nodded, "I'm sure it looks worse than it is."

Peter stood back with Andy as he watched her stare off as the paramedics checked out the few cut and bruises on her face.

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