Chapter 23

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Andy pulled Lynn and Neal to the side at the party once he found them. "We need to go to the office. There's been another victim taken by the guy killing young girls."

Lynn grabbed his arm, concern on her face, "wait. How do you know that?"

Andy brushed Lynn's hand away from his arm, "because he took Juliette. And it's Ian. The officer. He has dark hair, brown eyes. I don't know his last name. Late 20's, early 30's."

Neal nodded, thinking, "Ian.. Um. Ian Dawson. Officer Dawson. Why do you think it's him?"

Andy took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, "Julie came up with a profile about a guy that keeps getting rejected by these women. Ian has been rejected by her a few times now. She's missing and a waiter said they saw her being escorted out by Ian. He said it looked like she had too much to drink, but I know she didn't. And she matches his victims, long blonde hair, early 20's. Please. I want to be wrong, but I'm not."

Lynn nodded, "okay. Let's get changed and go to the office and see what we can find out about this officer. Okay?"

Andy nodded, "okay."


Andy walked into the office after rushing home to change and calling Brie to try and get ahold of Peter. He met Neal and Lynn in the conference room along with a few detectives. He sighed, "so I guess it's obvious that I have to recuse myself from lead prosecutor of this case as I now have a personal investment in it. But I want to help regardless."

Lynn half smiled, "thank you Andy."

He nodded, sitting at the table, "this is all my fault. I brought her to the crime scene before. That's how she met Ian. He took to her right away." He shook his head, slamming his hand on the table, "I led her right to him. Exactly his choice of victim. I'm such an idiot!"

Neal sighed, resting his hand on his shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze, "it isn't your fault. How would you have known? We'll find her. Are you sure she didn't just leave with Ian?"

Andy shook his head adamantly. "No way. She thought he was creepy and came on too strong. And besides, she said she was coming home with me tonight."

Detective Duffy nodded, "okay. Well I'm sorry Andy. We've searched his place already, it was empty. But we did find this..." She slid a box onto the table in front of Andy and Neal.

Andy groaned before opening it to find plastic baggies with girls names on them. Inside were photos of the girls, some while they were alive but obviously drugged and some after they were dead. Inside each baggie was a lock of hair from the girl. There had to have been more than ten girls inside the box. He shook his head, passing the box to Neal as he stood up from the table. "I'm gonna throw up."

"Andy. Why don't you go home and we'll call you if we find anything out."

"No!" He turned back to Lynn, lowering his voice. "I'm sorry. But no. I want to help." He sat back down at the table. "It's obvious he isn't taking them back to his house. So where is he taking them? Maybe there is some sort of clue in the pictures? Does he own a cabin or something? We have 24 hours. That's how long he has them before he kills them." He watched everyone hesitate, watching him, "I'm fine. I just need to do something. Just let me do something." He pulled the box back to him as he began to inspect the background photos of the girls.


Juliette woke up on a bed, still light headed. She sat up, looking down to see herself wearing a pale yellow nightgown with no bra. She groaned as she looked to see her ankles chained to the feet of the bed. She looked up to see Ian pacing, "Ian?"

He stopped and turned around to face her with a grin, "Julie. There you are. Glad of you to join me."

"What are you doing Ian? Why are you doing this?" She tried pulling on the chains, but they were secured too tightly. She shook her head, willing the tears in her eyes not to fall. She didn't want to give him that satisfaction. 

He scoffed, sitting next to her on the bed as she flinched, trying to move away from him, "because I was nothing but nice to you and you did nothing but lead me on and then push me away. Hot and cold. You don't care about anyone else's feelings but your own." He rolled his eyes, "oh, and ADA Barber's of course." He watched Juliette close her eyes tightly with a groan, "what, you didn't know I knew? Of course I knew. I've been watching you since you showed up at my crime scene."

Juliette shook her head, "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings Ian. But you don't automatically have any right over a woman's time just because you smile and try to act nice."

Ian stood up from the bed, "I bought you flowers and you just threw them away! You said I was embarrassing you by bringing you flowers!" He brought his hand up, back handing her across the cheek as she fell back onto the bed. "Would it be embarrassing if Barber bought you flowers? Would you throw them away?"

Juliette brought her hand up to her cheeks as more tears welled in her eyes from the stinging pain. "No. I wouldn't like it if Andy were to come into my place of work and embarrass me by marking his territory by bringing me flowers. That's just not who I am. You don't even know me Ian. Or women in general. Men like you only care about what women can do for them. You don't care about what you can do for the woman."

He shook his head, "you're right. I don't care." He grabbed the back of her head with one hand as he undid his pants with his other hand.

She tried to break out of his grip as she watched him pull himself from his pants in front of her. She grunted as he grabbed her jaw in his hand, making her open her mouth as he inserted himself into her mouth. She looked up at him as she bit down as hard as she could as he yanked himself away from her. She smirked as he yelped, blood dripping down his leg.

"Fucking bitch!"

She tried to dodge his hand as he back handed her in the mouth hard as she tasted blood inside her mouth, falling back onto the bed with a grunt. 

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