I Am The Trees

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I am the trees,

Tall and strong,

The strongest of trees,

Most of all.

I am the trees,

Always changing,

My mind growing,

My thoughts rearranging.

I am the trees,

Striving for greatness,

My branches reaching out,

Eliminating all weakness.

I am the trees,

Stretching my roots,

Learning new lessons,

My knowledge bearing fruits.

I am the trees,

I am not easy to break,

But if you dare make an attempt,

I worry for your sake.

I am the trees,

I started out small,

But I'm older now,

Ready to answer the call.

I am the trees,

I am firm not hollow,

Some hate my ideas,

Like a hard pill to swallow.

I am the trees,

Still reaching out,

Finding adventure,

What life's all about.

I am the trees,

At firs I don't speak,

But if you're quiet and listen,

My barriers become weak.

I am the trees,

I change with the seasons,

Reshaping my life,

For all the right reasons.

I am the trees,

Created an individual,

Not living to appease,

I think it's spiritual.

I am the trees,

I dance in the rain,

Sing with the wind,

And stay strong through the pain.

I am the trees,

Mysterious and beautiful,

I'm comfortable in my skin,

And it's absolutely wonderful.

I am the trees,

I will never bow,

Not for you or anyone,

Not here... Not now.

I Am The Trees.

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