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So many colors,

But how could I chose,

So many shades,

With nothing to lose.

Am I green like the Earth,

Nourished with life,

Or silver and cold,

Like the blade of a knife?

White like innocence,

Or red like lust,

Blue like the sky,

Or grey like the dust.

Am I the purple of a grape,

Of the richest red wine,

Giving extra life,

As people dine?

Am I the finest gold,

Priceless in value,

Or the blackest of mold,

That's fine without you?

Am I the orange citrus,

That stimulates your sences.

Or the pink ribbon,

That reminds you of chances?

The colors of a sunset,

Or sunrise depending on the time,

Whichever you chose,

Are they any more mine?

The colors of the life filled beaches,

Ocean and sand,

Or am I the color of air,

Simple and bland?

Am I brown like the dirt,

Copper or rust,

The perfect colored flower,

To have is a must?

The yellow of the sun,

Though it's all just paint,

I'm all of them in one,

On the canvas you taint.

A Crack In A SidewalkWhere stories live. Discover now