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There once was a place we all called school,

too bad nobody knew it could be so cruel,

what is this slander I am hearing?

seeing what I am seeing, the looks, the snearing.

why would you do this to someone you call a peer?

that's right, I forgot, you all live in fear.

I forgot if you helped someone, then you weren't cool,

just because your "friends" thought he was a fool.

I forgot that people don't think about what they say,

I would hate to know how this kid feels everyday.

To face the others in a war against one,

hoping someone will speak up, but of course there's none.

To have others push him while he's down,

poking fun at him as if he's a clown.

But there's something I would like to know,

and please don't lie, tell me so,

what would your family do if they saw,

would they pat you on the back, or let their mouths hang in awe?

Because they didn't raise you to feed off the pain of others,

they raised you to help one another like sisters and brothers,

because if we dont love one another, we'll die and we'll fall,

I think that's the thing I find scariest of all.

So at the end of the day, was it all worth it?

This person did nothing wrong, did he really deserve it?

Tell me how it feels to hurt someone then,

Terrible? Good, now multiply that by ten.

Funny how through pain you feel superior,

By bringing people down, they're inferior,

But what if it happened to you?

Would anyone speak up if they knew?

So pick him up, instead of forcing him down,

Let him breathe, instead of letting him drown,

Because when you step outside, you represent your family,

And don't let people see you be a bully.

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