Chapter 22.

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      May quickly grabbed her things and ran back to her room. Luckily, Ethan didn't see her.


      In her room she watched more TV. She watched The Walking Dead and ate a bowl of Breyer's Mint Choco Chip Ice Cream. As Rick shot walkers on the screen she devoured her delicious bowl of green and checked her phone.

      There were a couple notifications plastered on her electronic box. They included text messages, Pinterest, Wattpad, Instagram, and Snap Chat. She wasn't very happy with Mat because he nevered texts her anymore, or ever since their little "argument". She missed him, she missed home.

      A little later she decided to go down to the gift shop and get a Kit Kat. On her way down she passed Mr. Sleer, again. "Hello, May!" he said in his regular, cheery voice.

      "Hi, Mr. Sleer," May replied.


      At the gift shop, she walked in and found the candy bars and reached down to pick up a King-Sized Kit Kat amd reached in the refrigerator for a Pepsi.

      "Two fifty." The lady said from behind the counter. She was a darker woman with long brown hair. Her name tag read, "Natasha".

      May handed over three dollars.

      "Fifty cents is your change, thank you and have a nice day." Natasha said.

      "No, thank you, Natasha." May smiled.

      In the elavator, she stood quietly in the corner. On the seventh floor, the elavator stopped and the doors opened.

      Ethan walked in.

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