Chapter 33.

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      The next day May was back at school. Her teachers had a lot of work for her to do. Algebra gave three packets, six worksheets, and two tests to make up. Science gave three worksheets and seven packets. Social Studies bared four foldables, three worksheets, and nine packets. English gave two worksheets and a hell of a lot of filming to do for a movie project. Spanish gave two tests and three worksheets. May had her hands full.

      After eight hours of work, May went to her house to find Mat on the porch. "Hey," Mat said.

      "Hey," May said.

      "I have to ask you something," Mat said.

      "What?" May asked.

      "Do you know anyone named, Ethan?" Mat's words stung Mat 's ears as she heard the name.

       "No," she said. She was lying.

       "Yes, you do. Tell me the truth." Mat started to get mad.

      "Fine, I do. He was a... friend in L.A." May said. She was still lying.

      "Was he?" Mat said.

      He walked closer to May. "What are you doing?" May asked, worried.

      "He stopped by here, just before you got home. I was here early to set up a romantic dinner for us while your parents are at that conference. He stopped by here asking for May Parks. I said he had the wrong address." Mat exclaimed.

      "Oh, did he?" May blushed. She wore a smile on her face. She giggled.

      "I don't think this is funny. May I really like you and I was hoping maybe we could be together, but you already have a Hollywood boyfriend. So just forget it." Mat said as he started walking off the porch, "We're over."

       May started to cry as she watched him run down the street. "He's not my boyfriend." May whispered to herself, "We broke up."

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