Chapter 32.

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      May woke up an hour later on her bed. Mat sat at the foot. "How are you feeling?"

      "Ok," May replied. She sat and looked around. She saw her posters hung on the wall, her terrarium with her pet salamander named Bob, her computer that she would sit and do homework on. It all looked exactly the same as when she left.

      "Good," Mat said. His voice seemed worried.

      "Are you ok?" May asked him.

      "Yeah-" he started, "I guess I'm just a little worried."

      "About what?"

      "Uh..." Mat hesitated.

      "Tell me!" May said.

      "You!" Mat said.

      "Why?" May asked.

      "Well I wasn't happy we fought and I was worried about you while you were in Los Angeles, I wanted to text you but I didn't know what to say! And I was scared to death when that paper showed up on my stoop this morning. I thought you were... you were... dead." Mat admitted. He started to cry.

      "You really care about me." May said.

      "A lot."

      Mat crawled closer to May until their lips touched. At first Mat thought of Ethan but then she remembered Patricia.

      May closed her eyes and kissed Mat back.

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