Chapter 17.

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      She crabbed a few paints, a canvas, and a smock and she was off. She sat down at her stand and thought. She wanted to do something realistic but something that probably won't occur in the musical. She decided to paint the girl kissing the wrong person and Bubble Boy crying. A little harsh. She started.

      She first drew the outlines then started to paint them in. Color by color the picture strated to come together like the fog lifting on a foggy morning. Piece by piece it started to become right. Little by little May saw the picture coming together. She painted Bubble Boy's suit and chuckled. It kind of made him seem fat. He sat in the grass right in front of the falls crying, sobbing and whining about the terrible kiss he just witnessed. Then she painted the bride. A white dress, her face pressed against another, her hair and veil flowing down her back like a waterfall. She was beautiful, but in the wrong.

      Then she painted the wrong guy. He wore an orange vest with a tuxedo underneath, with rolled up sleeves showing his tattooed arms. He was terrible looking, and his face was akward against May's. It was wrong. But it's what she invisioned. "Two hours!" Mr. Sleer yelled out for all the teens to hear.

      May looked over her shoulder and saw Ethan, sitting there, at his stand, painting a picture of Bubble Boy kissing the girl and the wrong man walking away. It was a beautiful scene. She enjoyed seeing his paintings and drawings. He was a very good artist, better than her, but they had different styles. She liked the cartoony style and he was very realistic. He enjoyed making everything look real, while May ebjoyed seeing thinks like she was in a cartoon.

      She looked back to her own canvas and started painting the setting. The green grass, the beautiful blue falls, the light blue sky. It was a perfect scene, but horrible what the people were doing. 

      She was just letting outbher emotions through her art though. She felt the way Bubble Boy feels when Patricia walked in the door of the art store. She was just an ugly pop star who ruined her chances with Ethan. But wait! They broke up! Maybe she still has a chance!

      She looked at the clock, the red lights kept counting down.







      And so on...

      She painted and painted. May has never painted so neatly for going so fast. She stayed in the lines she drew, she completed the littlest detail with such penmanship. She truly was an amazing artist.


     May lifted her head to look at the clock. It read ten seconds. She finished the littlest details and when the clock buzzed she threw her paintbrush down and took off her smock. She walked over with the other teens and placed her painting on the stand. Then she walked back over to her stand and sat down on her stool. Her palms became sweaty again, she started to shake, her legs delt weak.

      It was time for...



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