Chapter 31.

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      May walked over to the door and opened it. Mat walked in.

      "Oh my God!" He said, "Are you ok?"


      "Youe plane crash! Are you ok?!"

      "Yeah, how'd you find out?"

     "It's on the front cover of the newspaper." Mat held it up. The plane crash scene was printed on the paper.

      "Oh my God," May sighed. She didn't ever want to see that place again.

      "Oh my God! Your hand!" Mat looked her hand in awe.

      "It's fine," May replied.

      She continued reading the article.

     ...Carissa and Evelyn Mayers were hospitalized after the crash. Evelyn suffers from head injuries and Carissa is missing a leg, which caused an extreme blood loss. The doctors confirmed this morning that Carissa is dead.

     At the words she read, May collapsed in shock.

      "May!" Mat yelled.

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