Chapter 25.

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     May sat on her stool at the school and waited anxiously to see who won the challenge. They had to take pictures of "nature" from the park on the other side of the road.

     It has been three days since Ethan and May's make out session and they have went on two dates since. They are really starting to get to know eachother.

     Today they didn't really talk a lot, except for a few texts saying "Good luck" and "Hope you win".

     "And the winner is..." Mr. Sleer was in his usual happy-go-lucky mood.

      "John Zimmerman!"

     Who the hell is that? May thought. She wasn't very happy with the outcome.


     Later that night Ethan texted May.

     Hey, we need to talk! Get over here now!

     May quickly crossed the hall amd opened Ethan's door. "What's wrong?!" she screamed.

     "Look at this!" Ethan held up a newspaper. On the newspaper was Patricia's face with a caption underneath it reading, "Patricia Clark: Diva Out to Get Revenge!"

     "I told you! I said she'd blow it up and ruin my career before it even starts!" May cried. Tears swelled in her eyes.

     "Read the article!" Ethan said.

     May opened the newspaper up to page thirty-five and read:

     Famous singer and actress, Patricia Clark is out to get revenge on her ex, Ethan Grays! The pop star snapped on a waiter at the local Olive Garden. "I was just trying to bring her her salad and she snapped like a twig." The waiter, Jerry Young, tells Pop Cultural. Later we got to interview her and get all the details. "We were at my premiere and this ugly b**** ripped my dress! I was mad and Ethan flipped out on me because I was "being mean" to this idiot. All I did was tell her the truth and have her escorted off my premiere place! So, it's Ethan's fault!" Clark says. Talking to her co-workers and friends we found out she will be attending the art competition Ethan is in tonight. What she is planning on doing is still unknown.

     "That's ridiculous! What the hell did you do? You stood up for that girl! You told me you broke up with her." May exclaimed.

     "That's right! I did! She's just lying her way into winning a battle she can't fight. She is so pathetic."

     She can't get in without a ticket tonight, right?" May asked.

     "She's famous, I think she can do whatever the hell she wants." Ethan sighed.

     "What do you think she'll do?" May asked.

     "I have no frickin' clue," Ethan replied, "none at all."

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