Chapter 19.

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      May slowly walked up to the stage where all the judges sat. Mr. Sleer sat on his chait looking pleased, not like any of the other judges. She got worried. Buckets of sweat came rolling down her hands. She slowly creeped to the stage and sat in a chair. "Hello, May!" Mr. Sleer said in his normal, cheery voice.

      May waved, "Hi."

      "May your painting was absolutely amazing! I loved it! The only thing was it wasn't very happy."

       He looked at her with a serious face.

      She became more worrisome.

      Then he burst out laughing, "Ha ha ha ha ha! I'm kidding! You could have done whatever you liked! You could have painted Bubble Boy dying for all we care! We were jusg looking for detail!" Mr. Sleer exclaimed. "You did wonderful."

      May was relived. Now the only thing left to worry about was...


      who won.

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