Chapter 7.

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      He stood on a pink and orange paint-splattered stand. He gad a sign behind him. The sign read Malerato High, written in big orange letters with a pink  background.  Infront of him stood a canvas, with three different paints laid out. Looking around, May saw everyone has the same paints. Yellow, purple, and turquoise.

      She looked around to see her stand. Nibbson High, written in purple and orange. "That's mine?" May asked, overly exvited for this now.

      "Yeppers! All yours! Tonight's challenge involves painting, if you already didn't pick up on that. Oh," he looked down at his watch, "look at the time! You better get over there. Competition starts in five minutes!"

      May walked over to her stand. She looked at the paints, then at the canvas. Then she looked around at her competition. Wow. She thought.

      She heard a "Hello!" come from the mic, relizing it was Mr. Sleer, and looked up at the stage. "Quiet down, students, quiet down! Its time to start! The first day of the annual Youth Art Competition. Know, on to the rules. There will be no cheating, helping eachother out on individual projects, or having anyone else help you. When the camera faces you, don't look at it. Just keep working! And most importantly, have fun! Heres Mrs. Vanessa Vancauver, the famous artist, announcing your first challenge of the competition! Take it away Mrs. Vancauver!"

      "Thank you Mr. Sleer, for that beautiful introduction. Now, down to buisness," she spoke in a french accent. "Your first challenge. Using these three paints, picked by Juan Lee, the first student to arrive, you will create a portrait of the person to your right."

      Oh my God! May thought. Thats him! She looked to her right and saw him. He smiled and waved at her. She waved back.  Then Mrs. Vancauver went on, "The challenge commences in three...two...two and a half..."

      "Come on!" A nearby boy yelled playfully.

      "Alright! One! Go!" 

      A woman came to each stand and let the young artists pick a brush. May picked her brush, picked which paint she would use first, and got started. She started with his head. She lightly painted the outline, then the face. His eyes were beautiful. She tried her hardest to recreate them in her piece. His nose was so cute. She blushed at the thought. His lips, oh his lips! May has never seen such beautiful lips. She again, tried to recreate the beautiful lips in her painting.

      She looked up and saw a clock. Unaware that they were being timed, (why wasn't that in the rules?) She started to pick up the pace. May started on his hair. The brown curls sat perfectly upon his head and they were just the right length. They had a tint of blonde in with them that made his whole look a whole lot better. Then she looked up again. It read 1:00. One hour?!?! May thought,  a little stressed. She started with the neck, then the shoulders, lastly the shirt. She decided to use the turquoise for the shirt, the yellow for the skin, and the purple for the hair, to match hers.


      The buzzer went off. "Drop the brushes!" Mr. Sleer yelled and all fifty brushes came crashing to the floor, buts of purple, yellow, and turquoise paint droplets splattering everywhere. May looked at her work. She looked at it, then at the boy, then back at it, then back at the boy. She couldn't tell the difference between the painting and him. She was satisfied.

      The same women whom brought the brushes, came around and collected the paintings. Each one took it to the stage, covered it with a piece of cloth, and stood it on the stand with the artist's name and school on it. "Oh my God! Excuse my language, but golly miss Molly! These are absolutely, positively beautiful! Such detail! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

      May blushed. She knew Mr. Sleer was nice but not this nice. "Sadly, though, one of the artists of these paintings will be going home. Now, let the judging commence! Here are your judges, Mrs. Vancauver,  obviously, and Myself, and Mr. Bradlee Larnour, the famous sculpter. Judges?"

      Mrs. Vancauver and Mr. Larnour walked out on stage and toke their seats. Mr. Sleer joined them and the woman who took the boy's painting over, brought it over to the stand infront of the Judges. She slipped the piece of cloth off and the judge's eyes widened. Their jaws dropped. "Magnificent Mr. Petigrew! Absolutely brilliant!" The judges started writing on their papers and Mr. Sleer yelled, "Next!" They kept going and going until they got to May's. She stopped breathing. Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! She thought. Oh my God!

      Her lady walked over to the judge's stand and slowly removed the cloth. The judges looked. They inspected and started writing. "Next!" Came Mr. Sleer yelled.

      Next? Next?! What does that mean?! May thought. What does that mean?!

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