Chapter 8.

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      As soon as the judges were finished judging, Mr. Sleer walked back out on stage. "The judges and I have conducted a conclusion to the first night of competition. The winner will be announced momentarily. Now we would like you to come up and admire eachother's work."

      They all came up and inspected eachother's paintings. There was a lot of giggling and 'ohhs' and 'ahhs'. And then May glimpsed at her's. Down further, she saw him inspecting her painting. Her held his hand up to his chin and he looked deep in thought. He then looked down at May. She looked to see him giving her a thumbs up and mouthong, "Good job!" She replied with a smile and moved along.

      She found the painting of her. It was very good, but it was off a little. Her hair wasn't that short, and her eyes were off balance. "Back to your places! Back to your places students!" Mr. Sleer said happily. "Aren't these paintings wonderful! Just brilliant! Now, onto the winner! The winner of the first competition is..."

       Snare drums started to roll. May was excited to see who won. Her heart started racing. She felt sweat seep through the cracks in her clunched fists. Is it getting in hotter in here?

      "Wait!" May heard from behind her. She turned around to see one of the producers running towards the judges. He started whispering to Mr. Sleer. "What?!"s and "Really?!"s came from Mr. Sleer.  

      "Sorry kids! It seems that there are some technical difficulties with some of the cameras. The winner will be announced as soon as we fix these minor problems." At the news Mr. Sleer just explained,  the students let out a loud sigh and sat down.

      May dozed off until she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Huh?" May turned around to find him.

      "Nice job on my face today," he chuckled.

      "Same to you on big nose," May chuckled back. 


      There was a moment of silence.

      "You know, you're a good artist," he said with a smile.

      "Thanks! You are too," May replied happily.

      "Alright! Problems solved! Back to your stands students!" Mr. Sleer exclaimed happily. "Come on now! Go! Go!"

      "Gotta' go!" he said, "Good luck."

      "You too." May replied.

      "Ok! Without any further ado, the winner of tonight's challenge is..."




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