Chapter 24.

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      "What the hell was that?" May asked, "You did it again!"

      "You didn't like it?!" Ethan asked.

      "Well, Patricia!" May yelled.

     "What about Patricia? I broke up woth her!"

     "What would she say? What would she do?!" May screamed.

      "Who cares?!"

      "I do! She is famous and if she ruins me this early- how could I ever become a famous, rich artist? Become a legend?"

      "Well if people really like you and your art, what's it matter? Your amazing and if people don't like you, screw them."

      "You really think so?" May asked.

      "I know so." Ethan replied.

      "If you wanna kiss me now, you can." May blushed.

      "Ok." Ethan smirked and leaned in and kissed her.

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