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younghoon tailed behind seohyun like a lost dog to her own room, not minding yeosang throwing a few glares as they passed by.

"sit on the bed, but the floor is preferred." seohyun smiled, sarcastically.

the male sat comfortably on the bed, looking at the girl who sat comfortably in her gaming chair.

he laughed, seeing her spin in it as if it was so interesting to him. it's a new side, i guess. "i need your opinion on something."

she stopped spinning, hitting her foot against the floor like it was the brake of a car. "fire away, dickhead."

"ouch," he scrunched up his face and clutched his heart dramatically, "anyways, what if you played as my girlfriend... temporarily."

seohyun vowed to utter a word out of her mouth, giving him the 'say it again?' look, as if she understood nothing.

"you heard me right, darlin'"

"want my honest opinion?" she asked.

he nodded.

"with an opinion full of respect, that idea sounds like shit to me." she snorted, turning to her pc and reaching over to her mini-fridge.

on the bed, younghoon stared in awe. she had the whole setup ready, it was fairly pastel though. he found it adorable. "cute setup you got there, darling."

avoiding the nickname, seohyun thanked him and loaded up her browser, researching more for their presentation.

still, behind seohyun sat younghoon, studying her setup again. he was jealous, as a fellow gamer himself. (wbk a pastel setup way to go author !)

"how come you can afford this much?" he mutters.

"part time jobs, i've worked my ass off to afford this i'll have you know." sipping from her soda, she typed multiple things on the keyboard about albert einstein. cliché.

"eh?" she blurted, continuously clicking on the refresh button, checking her wifi connection and seeing that she was still connected. "why doesn't this work?"

a sigh escaped his lips as younghoon stepped forward, leaning over her shoulder and grabbed the mouse, clicking a few buttons until the results popped up that she wanted.

the girl admired him, again.

"ah, you're so stupid," he chuckled, looking at her as he finished.

younghoon leaned down into her face, causing her to sit there stunned.

he swiped his index finger across the tip of her nose and smirked, "pretty girl." then, he walked away, back onto the bed.

"i don't like you, hoon..." seohyun frowned. "so mean.."

"who said i liked you, hm?" he retorted. "don't jump into conclusions pretty girl, otherwise it'll make you even dumber than you are."

seohyun scrunched up her nose, turning back to the computer and drinking her soda with a pout.

"you act so childlike," he pointed out, "is there a reason for that?"

too afraid to say anything about that, "n-no i don't.." she denied.

"hm, sure.." a skeptical look across scattered along his face when he spoke.

"still don't like you here.." she mumbled, really hoping younghoon could understand.

"well darling, you've told me to stay, so that's what i'm doing." he stated, "appreciate the company."

"i take back what i said... leave."

younghoon checked his wrist watch. the time was nearly 10pm.

"i have to get going anyways, i'll see you tomorrow, hm?"

"yeah.. sure.."

with that, he left her room and exited the front door.

"he's strange."

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