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"now you're silent? seriously?!" younghoon slammed his hands against the table.

"this is the most uncomfortable dinner ever..." eric muttered.

sangyeon sighed.

kevin looked at younghoon, signaling for him to follow him.

when they were somewhere private, kevin spoke up. "if you really care about seohyun, then apologize."

younghoon stood confused.

"you heard me. don't act all stupid," kevin warned, "your arrogance doesn't hide the fact that you like seohyun. so, apologize."

he knew. younghoon knew himself. he just didn't want to accept it.

"fine. i'll apologize." the elder male confessed. "just not now, she probably doesn't wanna see me."


jacob rubbed her upper arm, up and down, calming her down.

"you okay, hun?" sunwoo asked, worriedly looking at the girl.

she sniffled softly, nodding at the male.

"we'll have them apologize, especially younghoon for his wrong doing. this must've made you uncomfortable, hasn't it?" jacobs lips dropped into a frown.

sunwoo grabbed another tissue and wiped her face, cupping it soon after and smiling. "if they don't apologize, i'll be sure to slice off their heads and play football with them."

seohyun giggled.

"thanks jacob, sunwoo..." she looked at them. "the studying pays off, doesn't it jacob?"

the male beside her finally lifted the corners of his lips into a smile, "yes, it indeed did."

"let's have you eat in here, i don't want to cause trouble between you and the bermuda triangle." sunwoo suggested and exited the room.

seohyun was stuck in her thoughts.

she was thinking about someone she'd never be concerned about,

kim younghoon.

it wasn't the first time. not the second time, but one of the multiple times she had thought about him.

to her, this was like a never-ending game.

but younghoon thought so too. his intrusive thoughts about seohyun would keep him awake all night long.

he can't accept rejection, it's hardest for him.


'i like you' the boy spoke from his heart.
his smile was eye-catching, yet no one liked him.

whether it'd be his parents, or schoolmates, no one dared to even look at him.

'you think i'll ever like someone like you?! piss off, you're wasting my time.' the girl hissed back

the boy was broken. but his arrogance didn't start from there.

it happened, again and again, rejection piled up on his shoulders up until high school when he decided to change.

he got every girl he wanted, yet none caught his eye.

until he saw her.

kang seohyun.

he stood out to her. a lot.

'i like you, a lot' he confessed.

'i don't feel the same way, i'm sorry younghoon. why me out of every other girl?' she asked, walking away while fixing the strap of her backpack.

younghoon became more of an asshole he already was.

he tried his best to get her attention, but she wouldn't budge.

how will i make you notice me,

kang seohyun?


i gathered up my courage to walk my way over to seohyun.

when i walked in, she seemed displeased with seeing my face, though jacob had already read my face and assured her, leaving shortly.

i sat down next to her, fiddling with the ring on my index while biting my bottom lip nervously.

"i'm sorry," i spoke, "i really am.."

seohyun couldn't even say a word, her eyes paced back and forth between different furniture in the room.

"we can restart things, i promise not to he an asshole about it this time, i'll treat you better," gulping, i faced her, "even if it may be one of the wonders in the school later on, i don't care. just please let me be a better person."

she hesitated.

but then, she enclosed me in her embrace, her cheek pressed against my chest as i heard her sniffle.

my hand made it's way to her hair, stroking the soft strands softly before she pulled away.

"this is your second chance, i promise to make you feel well again, hoon." seohyun smiled, "you're forgiven. we can bond stronger than your asshole self used to with me."

"then, it's best to finish the project soon."

"agreed, wanna go for a late night walk?"

"but sunwoo is preparing your food-"

"yeah, we'll eat first and then we'll go."

"sounds good to me."

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