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i left their house and went back to the dorms, being met with my 10 nosy roommates.

"kevin, i need to talk with you." i said, facing the boy who sat on the sofa, concentrated on the book in his hand.

putting away the book, he looked at me and pushed his glasses to his bridge, giving me the look to finally fire away since it seemed like i was wasting his time.

"about.. seohyun."

"leave the girl alone, will you? you're making her suffer more than she already is, how about you knock some sense into that pea-sized brain of yours?" he scolded.

"no matter if you're older, can't you see her having to endure your bullshit each damn time you walk by or even open that big mouth of yours to talk?"

not a single word left my mouth. what kevin stated was right, i should've reflected on what i told seohyun, the countless amount of times i decided to pick on her, just because she couldn't fulfill my wish.

"i.. i just wanted an answer to a simple question, it's nothing bad, i swear." surrendering, i sat down next to kevin.

"does seohyun have a reason to be acting so.. child-like?"

he pursed his lips. "it's not something i should tell without consent, either ask her yourself or come back to me when i have her permission to say so. goodnight, hyung."

with that, kevin went into his shared bedroom with sunwoo, closing the door gently not to wake up anyone.

i sighed. but at the same time i wondered, why i was so curious anyways.

next thing i knew, i found myself in bed, duvet covering my body as i fiddled with my fingers while staring up at the ceiling.

eric peeked at me from his bed, "hyung, stop worrying about whatever is on your mind and head to bed. i can hear your damn fingers from all the way over here."

the youngest covered his whole entire body with the blanket, shuffling every now and then.

not much thought was on my mind anymore as my eyes fell closed.


the next morning arrived and i was getting nagged by a girl again. it was the nth time this week, of course i can get fucked up when it keeps happening.

when she clung onto my arm, i shook it off and looked as she fell to the ground, pushing away strands of her hair that fell to the front.

a quiet 'tsk' made it's way out of my mouth as i fixed the strap of my school bag.

everyone stared at me as if i had just committed a crime.

"hoonie~" the same girl whined. "why did y-"

"quit it, would you?" coming to a halt, i turned around to face her. "i get it, you like me, but if i say i can't return that you'll throw a tantrum. so be it. i could care less about what you feel about me."

completely ignoring her reaction, i continued walking into the school building.

i spotted sunwoo opening his locker, so i took my chance to ask him about seohyun.

"sunwoo!" i called.

he choked on his spit and turned around.

"geez, i forgot you get scared so easily," i mumbled. "anyways, i have a question for you about.. hyun."

"if you're gonna be a pretentious ass i won't-"

"i'm not! it's just a simple question," i paused, "what's with seohyuns on and off behavior.. like.. she acts like she's a child, if you get what i mean?"

he pursed his lips, looking away.

"do i look like google to you?," sunwoo asked, "ask her yourself. why do you want to know? do you like her?"

i remained silent.

"pfft, you definitely still do." he mocked, "but she won't like this attitude of yours unless you fix it, younghoon hyung."

i groaned, walking into our classroom. there she sat.

she was laying her head comfortably against her arms, headphones on to block the sounds bothering her.
but when i approached her and tapped her shoulder.

pushing one side of her headphones behind her ear, she perked up, "sunwoo n-"

when she saw me, she immediately set her headphone back to it's position. "leave."

"it's important, please."


before she could decline, i grabbed her arm and lead her out of the classroom.

"you asshole!" i heard her curse, "there are others staring!"

"i could care less."

we stopped at an empty hallway, where barely any students walk through for various reasons.

she frustradedly set her headphones down to her neck and glared at me angrily. "like you couldn't embarrass me even more! just spit it out!"

"just.. meet me in the yard, kay?"

"you're such a pain in the ass!" she yelled, pushing me away and running back to class.

i knew i could've made it less obvious.

yet, why should i let the school take advantage of me?


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