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seohyun leaned her head on sunwoos shoulder, like she usually would and released a long sigh, panting underneath her breath.

"it seemed like you were running a marathon, huh?" he pat her head softly, leaning back into his seat while he stroked her hair.

"mhm.." she hummed, "stupid..hoon is stupid.."

the male nodded. "agreed."

"i'm thinking about joining the dance club, but i'm kinda worried." he stated, his voice a few octaves lower than usually and soft.

"why, woo?" she looked at him with doe eyes.

"student lee heeseung is an ace, really. he's unbelievably talented from what i saw." sunwoo proceeded to stroke her hair.

"hmm.." she sounded softly, her lips formed a pout as her eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks everytime she blinked.

sunwoo pulled out his phone from his pocket, checking the time.


seohyun usually isn't at school so early. that didn't bother sunwoo though, he could care less.


the last bell for the morning rang at 12.25pm, indicating that their lunch break had just began.

seohyun was clinging onto sunwoo, her childish behavior remaining.

"bean!!" she giggled and ran up to kevin, hugging him while letting sunwoo go.

jhene yawned. "how's it going? especially with that dickh-"

"eh, the only thing he did today was drag seohyun out of the classroom and make her run back for some unknown reason."

seohyun gasped. "hm.. have to go.. yard.."

"you have to go to the yard? why?" kevin frowned, a confused expression painting his face.

"mm.. don't know.. i'll be right back!" she let go of kevin and quickly ran over to the yard of the school.

when seohyun reached the yard, the taller male stood there, scrolling impatiently through his phone, until he looked up.

she took slow but big steps towards him and looked at him with anger.

"you've embarrassed me.. what do you want?"

"about your beh-"

"yes! i know that i act like a child but why would you want to know the reason so bad?! is it that important to you?" she finally scolded.

"it's not like it's your problem, younghoon. it's mine. so quit acting like you care, just so that it can go around the whole school."

"i'm not trying to do shit i swear! just please answer my question, i don't wanna hurt you more than i do now." he almost took back what he said, but knew it was too late.

"after school, we'll have more privacy then." scrunching her nose, she went back to her group of friends with a sigh.

jhene noticed her behavior, holding her shoulder and checking if she's feeling ill.

she shook her head.

"were you meeting changmin in the yard or something? was everything okay?" the girl beside her frowned. "just tell me, it's okay."

"no.. where is changmin though?"

"right here, hun." they heard his voice, his arms welcoming seohyun into his embrace. ((my changmin stan ass is crying rn))

"hmm.. warm.." she murmured, nuzzling her face into his chest, causing changmin to chuckle at her behavior.

"welcoming all of us so warmly, hm?" he chuckled. "i'll end up carrying you to class, funny isn't it?"

"mhm~" she giggled.

"want a hug too jhene?" sunwoo opened up his arms.

"fuck off" she snorted, rolling her eyes at the boy.

"jesus fuck it was a joke, damn. i wouldn't hug you." he disgustedly looked at her, closing his arms again and playing on his phone.

jhene laughed, "i wouldn't either."

changmin looked at kevin who was communicating with sunwoo and jhene who seemed unbothered by her surroundings.


it was class time.

changmin and seohyun walked to class hand in hand while sunwoo tailed behind them, focused on some racing game.

"this is awkward.. hm.." seohyun mumbled, looking at changmin and then their intertwined hands.

"it's fine, love. no worries," changmin assured, "let them assume, it's not like it's their problem."

she nodded.

they continued walking, eventually reaching their classroom and heading inside.

it didn't fall unnoticed by younghoon that seohyuns hand was intertwined with changmins when they entered the classroom.

his tongue poked at his inner cheek, anger fuming as his face started to become hot when she laughed at what the other said.

"yah!" juyeon smacked the back of younghoons head, causing the elder to hold a hand over the part that had been slapped as he turned around in a rush.

"don't you have manners?! keep in mind, i'm the oldest out of us three!" he hissed.

"what's got you so distracted, hyung?" hyunjae looked over to where he first glanced, noticing changmin and seohyun, standing opposite of each other and swinging both arms.

"ah, her."

i removed my hand and closed my eyes for a few moments, maintaining composure.

"why? do you like her?" hyunjae hit my arm playfully and laughed out loud.

"keep quiet would you?! you sound like a possessed animal," i groaned. "ah, how annoying."

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