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out of all of the places, the 6 went over to the boyz' dorm, as it was the closest they could go to.

chanhee took seohyun off of kevin and laid her comfortably on his bed in his shared bedroom with hyunjae.

"changmin, are you okay?" kevin asked the boy who sat zoned out on the couch.

all he replied with was a nod and a slight smile, nothing more.

gnawing on his bottom lip, kevin released a sigh and looked at him, "do you mean it with the seohyun thing?"

the younger vowed to give an answer.

"i'll give you your time," kevin stood up to go into his room but changmin spoke before he could.

"do you like seohyun?"

kevins lips disappeared as his mouth formed a thin line.

"i.. i don't know." he flashed a soft smile and ran up into his room.

changmin heaved a sigh. all he could do was think about seohyun, worry about her, but he knew she needed her rest.

though, he couldn't quite keep the thoughts to himself, so he went over to chanhees shared bedroom.

seohyun laid all cozy in chanhees bed, soft snores escaped her as she breathed in and out.

changmin smiled to himself, grabbing hyunjaes gaming chair to sit in while she was resting.

"you look like a creep," someone sounded from the door frame, startling changmin as he turned around to see sunwoo.

"geez, didn't have to burst in like that.." the elder sighed, looking back at seohyun.

"do you think she's okay?" changmin frowned.

"she's fine, just a little overwhe-"

the both of them heard the doors open, changmin looked at sunwoo and so did he.

"is that sangyeon hyung?" sunwoo went to look, being met with a different face instead.

kim younghoon.

"leave, hyung." kevin calmly sounded, looking at his elder with pleading eyes.

"where's seohyun?" he looked around, pushing kevin away and running into every bedroom, finally arriving at chanhees.

he looked at her worriedly, walking up to her and nearly cupping her face before changmin held his wrists.

"you'll wake the girl, let her sleep." after letting go, younghoon licked his lips, slightly guilty after seeing his bruised younger.

"feeling bad now? for what?" the boy scoffed. "you know, you can't always have everything the way you want it to be. who knows if she'll even see you the same again."

"it's not what it seems like changmin-"

"are you that much of a coward to say you hate me? that much of a wuss to not even accept your feelings for her?" he laughed, "grow up, hyung. this world isn't full of cupcakes and rainbows. not everything always comes out the way you expect."

"ji cha-"

"learn to take care of yourself first before you try to get a finger on her, because by the looks of it, you don't seem to know shit." with that, he left the room and closed the door.

younghoon looked down at the ground. he was angry.

angry over the fact that he can't be better, mad over the fact that he'll never be able to treat anyone correctly,

and mad at the fact that he can't accept his feelings.


sangyeon saw the girl in the bed when he came home, looking at younghoon and changmin.

"she's escaping reality, through sleep and child like behavior." sangyeon looked back at the girl, "she needs to be taken care of, the girl is looking for comfort the most."

"i've been doing that, but hyung keeps getting in the way for fucks sake." the youngest of the three complained.

the eldest sighed. "just take care of her and apologize. the both of you can't just hate each other forever, ya know. you're dorm mates as well as classmates."

"you're living under my roof, and i don't appreciate you two being hotheaded jackasses. understand?" he calmly explained.

the both of them looked at the ground, nodding their heads.

"let her stay here, if she has siblings or parents just contact them."

"gotcha hyung~" sunwoo peeked from the doorframe and threw finger guns while winking.

"changmin i'm sorry-"

"just say you hate me and it's all over with."

"i really fucking don't. i appreciate and love you as my brother-"

"then why would you beat me up for a girl we both love?!" changmin glared.

"i was out of my mind! don't you know me?!" younghoon looked at changmin with genuine eyes.

"i don't. if you can't tell people your problems then there's no one to help you. we've been trying to get info out of you to help for so fucking long yet you can't even say anything."

"because it's difficult for me to say it, just give me my time and i'll tell all of you."

changmin scoffed, leaving the room.

what they didn't know,

was that seohyun was listening.

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