My eyes are dry, when nights are long
I lie there staring, whisper to your song
Close them again and again the same
The dark is scary when I miss your name
Tossing and turning and begging so bad
If you only saw me, you'd think I've gone mad
I'm lonely at most but I miss your touch
Nothing great nor big, it's not even much
My dreams are empty, they part me from you
The distance gets bigger, the more I get blue
Nightmares and death threats, the usual fears
But all that for nothing, who's drying my tears?
With you, worlds apart, I don't feel no hope
It gets worse every time, there's no way to cope
If I woke up to lie in your loving arms,
If I fell for your kiss, for your crazy charm
Then, just then, I could safely sleep
Burry myself into pillows, deep
Then I would finally close my eyes
Feeling your body, next to me it lies
Brain on Paper
PoetryMind unwrapped: a folder in my mind opened to be read by you B E L P