First love, love

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Your love is slow, it takes its time

Drops like honey, sour like lime

I've never seen such loving eyes

Chocolate brown and hazel wise

Soft touches but you're scared to fall

And yet you shiver from every call

How good he moves, how smart he is

They look at him, the lips you kiss

Dark his hair, you felt the touch

Over the top, to dream this much

Admit it, love, it tastes so sweet

His name on your tongue, his careful lead

This fuzzy feeling, stomach hurt

Your fantasies, the dreamy dirt

Don't deny, the words, the thoughts

His skin, you touched, all the spots

And if it's only in your mind,

his cooling breeze and yet so kind

Believe me, love, with all your trust

So raw a feeling, led by lust

In your case it's the hidden crush

That came so fast, just in a rush

It's unknown, scares you off sometimes

Writes poems to your mind, it even rhymes

But, love, let me tell you one thing now

First love is pure, there's no way how

It's trust and slow and even strange

Open your eyes and make a change

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