Author's Notes

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hey guys i really hoped you liked this story! if you did please please please consider voting and sharing! i would love to have others read my work it brings me such a sense of pride you guys don't even know.

i do have another story called wind that i am currently working on that i think needs some love. it will be a little longer than this story with different, more mature themes. please consider reading wind if you liked this story!

thank you so much for reading and if you've commented, thank you so much! i love getting feedback and hearing what you guys have to say (assuming it is respectful and in all good fun)! i can not stress enough how much this story has helped me with my confidence in writing and i would even go as far to say writing this story and getting feedback has helped my mental health so so much and has been a wonderful outlet.

i can't wait to write more in the future, but as time goes on, i am seeing a trend that wattpad is getting less and less popular. please let me know if you guys would like me to use a different platform or if you are used to a different platform and would just like me to post my own stories on that platform and just have my stories on both (all) platforms!

again thank you so much for reading and i would love to know what you guys think (i am very open to constructive criticism!) in the comments at the end of my story.

i am so excited to finish wind and once that is done i have another dramione story in the making!

i love you, 


Lunar Cost - DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now