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Draco's POV

What am I doing? Why am I helping that mu... Her? Why am I even attempting to help her?

She saved me in the Room of Requirement, that's why I'm doing this. Hopefully I can convince my brain that's is the only reason. I'm in debt to her, and that can't continue. That's why I'm doing this.


That's not the only reason.

I need to put the past behind me. I need to get rid of that smug little kid that hurts tons of people. I need rid myself of that little boy that called and believed so many people to be filth. I need to get rid of him because he is the filth.

But no one will believe I want to get rid of the old Draco Malfoy. Because Malfoy's don't change. They'll just think I'm joking or mocking them. No one will understand.

I pushed these thoughts out of my head as I walked back to the study, where a large brown owl was waiting.

I sat at the desk and grabbed a piece of parchment and my quill. Carefully dunking my quill into the inkwell, I started to write a letter to Professor McGonagall.

Dear Headmistress McGonagall,

I would like to inform you of a new development involving Miss Hermione Granger. Directly after the Battle, she was rummaging for bodies around the castle grounds and was attacked by Fenrir Greyback. He had bit her. She is staying with me at Malfoy Manor, seeing as she wishes no one to know, including her friends. I was wondering if you could arrange something to suit her new condition as the school had with young Professor Lupin.

Draco Malfoy

After deciding my words very carefully, I let the ink dry for a minute or so before rolling it up and tying it loosely, but securely to the barn owl's leg.

I gently stroked the large bird's neck and it flew out the open window, just in front of the desk I was sitting at.

I had no reason to stay in the study, but I decided to keep sitting and just think. I placed my elbow on the desk and my chin was in my hand.

Why did I tell her about all of that? Why did I tell her about any of it? Those are some of  the memories I kept locked up in me because, Draco Malfoy could never have real feelings. And Draco Malfoy could never really be happy.

I wish I could just get away from all of that. Get away from my title and my stupid father.

Maybe I should stop thinking about it.

I got up from the chair and walked out of the study. I closed the door and made my way to Mum's room. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I knocked again, louder, but there was still no reply. I opened the door slowly, and found her empty bed with a small square of parchment on top of her pillow.


I've gone out to see Annie. I'll be staying there for a few days to go to the funeral for her daughter and her daughter's husband. You remember Nymphadora and Remus, don't you Draco? I love you, sweetheart, and I hope you find some comfort while I'm not there. Please at least try to reconnect with your old friends. It would do you some good.

With all the love in the world,


At least she'll have a good time over there. Mum always felt bad about leaving Andromeda out. But she had to be "evil" because of her poor choice in a husband. She's going to everyone's funerals.

I felt comfort knowing she knew I wouldn't want to go. If I was seen at one of those funerals, people would just tell me to leave and tell me I'm not wanted.

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