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Hermione rests in a bed, under a dark green comforter. She shifts in her sleep and tears leak from her eyes slowly. She dreams about what had happened a mere couple days ago. The memories of the war haunted her, yes, but the worst memory was one that had happened after the Dark Lord was finally defeated. The memory that held the secret of why her life could never be the same.

After she had witnessed Harry break the elder wand in two, she walked back to the ruins of the castle. The ground was stained with blood, and debris from the castle were scattered everywhere, as if after a big storm. But what had really happened was much worse than a storm.

Ron and Harry continued to walk away from the castle on the old stone bridge. But Hermione eventually came to the great big doors at the entrance of the school. She walked in and suddenly remembered Fenrir Greyback, sucking the blood from Lavender Brown's neck. She decided to go back to the area to see if Lavender was dead or not. She avoided people's gazes and tried not to look at all the dead bodies lying around everywhere. She finally came across Lavender's, hopefully, unconscious body.

Hermione leaned down and got on her knees. She put her fore and middle fingers against Lavender's neck and felt no pulse. Hermione felt she should've known. Greyback wouldn't keep the girl alive. A single tear fell from Hermione's face and she wiped it away quickly. It angered her. How many people have suffered at Greyback's hand. Of course, there was Lavender. But she wasn't the only one. She remembered seeing her third year Defence Against The Dark Arts professor, Remus Lupin, laying in the courtyard with countless other bodies.

Professor Lupin was bitten by Greyback as a kid. He wasn't the only one. The ruthless animal went around biting anyone he could, especially kids, just for the fun of it. Just because he could.

I imagine they're all dead now, she thought.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw some rubble move and a figure was attempting to sit up. A student perhaps. In need of medical attention. She rushed over.

She almost tripped over some rubble and dropped her wand when she realised who it was. She tried to run, seeing as she couldn't find her wand, but a lazy flick of the wrist from the figure with eyes as black as night and teeth that could tear into a deer carcass stopped her.

Vines started to grow at random around Hermione's ankles, capturing her and pulling her down. She screamed, but no one seemed to hear. The vines started growing up her struggling body and they finally pulled her to the ground and wrapped around her arms and legs. She couldn't move.

Greyback stood up and walked towards Hermione and she tried to scoot away, pulling at the vines. She continued to scream, but the vines started to wrap around her mouth, and all she could get out were low grumbles in the back of her throat.

Greyback got on his knees, next to Hermione and bit her right on the neck. Hermione's struggling continued and she thrashed around, but her screaming ceased and ended up more of a whimper in pain.

Hermione's vision started to blur as Greyback continued to suck her dry. All she could feel was the pain. Her body went limp and she began to give up, welcoming death if it meant no more pain.

"Stupefy!" A familiar voice shouted. At the same time, Fenrir Greyback's body flew over Hermione's and landed a few feet away. "Granger? Granger, can you hear me?"

The voices started to get muffled. Hermione wanted desperately to see who it was. Harry and Ron were a mile away. Despite knowing better, she was still disappointed when she didn't see any red hair. And she didn't see any green eyes. Instead she saw a blur of pale blonde hair, and a pair of molten silver eyes.

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