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1 Month Later

Hermione and Draco spent most of their time enjoying each other's company.

Once August 31st arrived, she insisted she visit Harry for his public birthday party administered by the Ministry.

Of course Draco let her go, he would obvious stay behind no matter how she begged him to come along.

"Draco, it could help people see you've changed!"

"Granger, if I come back to school as Avi, that means there's no more Draco Malfoy. Malfoy is gone, exchanged to another school maybe. I can't show my face. Surely, you know that."

"Draco, please."

He would only shake his head. About a thousand times it felt they had had this very same conversation.

Nevertheless, he finally give into Hermione's wishes. He escorted her as Taviyis.


August 31st

Draco's POV

I sat in the living room, waiting for Hermione so we could go to this stupid party.

Why did I ever agree to this? I'm not meant to be this persuadable. Of course I agreed for her. She's had a rough time for the last month. Stressing over going back to school, dramatizing the event of the "plan" not working and/or her secret getting out.

Even after I reassured her that everything will be fine, she still spent her days overthinking and fearing what could happen. No matter what happened, it couldn't be that bad.

If people found out about me, maybe they'd finally believe I changed. Or maybe they'd think I'm just playing Hermione. It doesn't matter. I know I'm not playing her. She knows too. That's all that matters.

Wait. She knows too, right?

Oh no. What if she thinks I'm just using h—

"Okay, are you ready to go?"

Hermione walked down the staircase leading to the living room, in a rushed manner.

She was wearing a short black dress with off the shoulder 3/4 sleeves. Two thin bands of see through lace lined the waist band.

Merlin, she's gorgeous.

And there she was, running down the stairs slipping on black strapped wedges. I guess we were late, but all I could do was stare with my lips slightly parted.

"Draco! You haven't even changed your appearance!"

"You know I'm not using you, right?" the question came from nowhere. It just kind of came out.

"What?" she seemed slightly taken aback by the question.

I repeated myself slowly. But I couldn't look at her.

Her shoes are very pretty. With the... the straps. And the heel and the toe thing. And also the claspy thingy and the s—

"Of course I know you're not using me. Besides, if you were, I'd know and I'd hex your arse."

I exhaled heavily and nodded.

She got her shoes fastened on and waited for me impatiently at the bottom of the staircase.

"Well what are you waiting for? A personal invitation? Change your appearance!"

Oh right! I almost forgot. The tip of my wand waved around my hair, turning it the golden caramel color. My eyes turned a brilliant green and my nose shrunk a bit thinner.

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