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Hermione's POV

My head hurts!

I really shouldn't have had that much to drink. I guess this is what I got for drinking underage.

I got up into a sitting position, Draco still fast asleep beside me. A smile creeped onto my face as I looked at his innocent strong face.

He's beautiful. He's the exactly figure of a perfectly attractive person. Strong jawline speckled with pale freckles almost unnoticeable. His hair, a wavy mess, curled around his ears. A gentle smile plastered on his face as his long eyelashes tickled his cheeks. And his lips. Yes, they were thin but they looked soft and gentle.

Oh Merlin I didn't! I couldn't have!

I kissed him last night didn't I? Oh Merlin no! What am I to do? Maybe he doesn't remember! He was just as drunk as I was, wasn't he? Oh Merlin I don't remember.

September 1st. That's today. The day we go back to Hogwarts. Taviyis and Hermione. I must get used to saying the name.

I shoved Draco a bit and his gentle smile washed away and was replaced with a disgusted look.

"Granger! What the bloody hell was that for?" he muttered as he repositioned himself and shoved his face in his pillow.

"Come on, Sleeping Beauty. We're going to be late. Today's the day, Draco. Let's go!" All I got back in reply was a long exaggerated groan muffled by the pillow. "Oh my gods Draco, we're going to miss the train, come on!"

I made my way to the bathroom and freshened up. My clothes!

I popped my head out the bathroom door and glanced at him. His sleepy figure was effortlessly trying to fix the bed. Poor thing.

"Draco," I started, "I forgot to bring clothes in with me. Could you grab me some?"

"Yeah, of course."

He walked to the dresser and opened my drawer. Jeans and the black t-shirt with the drawn on sliver snake. Being the gentlemen he is, is also turned his head away, shutting his eyes like a little kids, grabbing undergarments as well.

I laughed at his immaturity and he playfully threw the clothes at the door.

"Ha-ha Granger. What the hell are you giggling about?"

I only chuckled and muttered a thank you. I retreated into the bathroom and got dressed. My hair was soaking the back of the shirt so I dried it with a charm. My hand found it's way to the door handle and I walked back into the room.

Draco had gotten dressed into a simple all black suit and he had combed his hair back with the Malfoy smirk on his face.

Honestly, he looked really good.

There's only one thing.

"Draco... These are very Malfoy-ish clothes and not very Taviyis-ish clothes," I said carefully. He sat down at his desk and leaned his head back and sighed. "Any thoughts?"

"Maybe Taviyis looks just as good in black as I do. I don't know that's kind of hard to beat. I look amazing in black. I don't know, Granger, won't the appearance be enough? Why do I have to have a change of wardrobe as well?"

"Alright, alright. I suppose the appearance change will be enough." A smirk appeared on his face and a smile on mine.

"You know Granger, you'd look a lot more attractive if you wore a smirk."

A chuckle escaped my mouth and I quickly covered it with my hand.

"Don't!" he smiled. He got up and walked towards me. My hand was pushed away from my face by his and his face flushed. "It's nice when you laugh."

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