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Draco's POV

I sat next to the window in the large room. The beautiful water swaying with the motion of the creatures within. The full moon's rays of light cut through the water with sharp blades of co—


I ran. And ran. And ran. All the way to the One Eyed Witch's passage into the cellar at Honeyduke's. I raced out of the shop inconspicuously in hopes of finding Hermione.

A flash of red hair passed me and was headed for the Three Broomsticks. Hermione wasn't with her. What the bloody hell? Don't tell me she's turned already.

"Weaslette!" I shouted as she reached for the handle. She stopped and turned around and walked towards me quickly with a deadly look on her face.

"Where the fuck did you hear that? The only person who has ever called me that is gone and I'd like the name to go down with him. Is that clear?" she growled in a low fatal voice. "Is it clear, Taviyis?"

I could only nod. Damn that woman is intimidating.

"Where's Hermione, Ginny?"

"Looking to have another make out sesh, are we?" She lifted her chin up confidently with a smirk plastered on her stupid face. Wait. But how would she know about that? She only would've if... If Hermione told her. She did remember.

"This is important, Ginny!"

"Alright, alright. She went to the Shrieking Shack asking for some alone time. Calm down. What's the problem anyway? She's a big girl. She can handle herself," she rolled her eyes and made her way back to the doors of The Three Broomsticks.

The coldness sliced into my cheeks as I sprinted to the shack with as much speed as my body could build.

As I approached the unstable building, I slowed and could almost see the entire structure swaying with the wind.

I pushed the door and it swung open with a loud and eerie sounding creak.

"Hermione?" I called out, careful with my tone. "It's alright Hermione. It's just me." With that I turned into myself again. The hair and the freckles washing away along with the green eyes. Until it was plain ol' me again. "Hermione?"

I slowly walked throughout the house, checking every room, calling her name once in a while. She must be terrified. I needed to find her. I needed to.

The stairs creaked as my feet patted them to find some sort of secure structure. I heard rustling in the room at the end of the hallway. Slowly, I inched my way closer to the door and opened it to revealed a huge room with a large hole in the wall and ceiling.

In the corner, I saw her.

Her dark brown fur, shining in the moon's god forsaken light. She laid there, curled into a small ball, whimpering, hiding her face from me.

I walked to her, easily and gently.

"It's alright, Hermione. It's Draco. It's alright."

I took a sitting position next to her and carefully smoothed down some of the fur on her back, to stop it from rising up like a cat's. It seemed to calm her down and she stopped whimpering.

Instead, she stood up and away from me, murder in her eyes. Fear rose into my chest and all I could do was sit there, tightness in my chest, frozen. Then she did the most unpredictable thing. She laid herself down onto my lap and fell asleep.

I was still terrified as hell. Who wouldn't be? I kept tense until I could feel the beast's breathing slow and she got heavier on my legs.

With that, I finally let out the breath I was subconsciously holding in.

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