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Blaise's POV

Merlin's. Beard.

I can't believe it. Hermione Granger is a werewolf.

Hermione's POV

I broke away from his luscious lips and convinced him that we should get to class.

I made my way to the first class I have without Draco, Herbology.

As I made my way to the greenhouse, Zabini stopped me in the corridor.

"What the hell are you doing?" I scolded, "I must get to class!"

"I know. Ok? I know." he stated, hushed, looking around anxiously.

"Know what? What are you even talking about," I played dumb but underneath I could feel my body temperature rising as I began to subtly shake faster and faster.

"Don't play dumb, Granger. I know. I..." he looked away, towards the floor. He looked as if he wanted to say something but decided not to. "I saw you last night. With Taviyis or whatever the hell his name is. I was in the shrieking shack."


I told Blaise that I'd meet him in the library tonight after dinner to talk. I really did need to get to class.

Sitting in class, I couldn't much pay attention. I couldn't stop thinking about how to handle the situation. The rest of the day went by while i was in almost a trance.

Eventually dinner approached and so sat with Ginny and Luna.

"Luna, I thought you and Theo were a thing, but I heard he was seen flirting with that new kid Taviyis," Ginny questioned, as politely as she could.

"Yeah, actually Avi was telling me about that earlier yesterday. What's happening there?" I added.

"Oh Theo and I have an open relationship. He wanted to explore his sexuality and I think I'm quite too aloof to be in a strictly committed relationship right now," she giggled wispily, building a volcano with her mashed potatoes and gravy.

Ginny continued to carry the conversation but I stared at the back of Draco's head at the Hufflepuff table. He was talking to a small brunette girl, maybe a second or third year. She wasn't the same as before. I think the first girl was Nott's sister. I wonder what happened with her.

I excused myself and made my way to the common room. The floor looked so inviting next to the glass wall.

Immense pain shot through my lower back as I laid myself into the carpeted floor. I stared at the rays of sun when i heard a subtle knock on the door and a muffled "Hermione?" from behind the door.

I didn't bother answering. Draco came in and asked why I'd left dinner early. I didn't answer but he sat down next to me.

My hand found it's way up to his nose and his charms washed away as my hand fell down next to me.

His eyes stared into mine as he leaned down to peck me on the forehead. I got up to go to the library to meet Zabini.

"Where are you off to in a hurry, Granger?" He grabbed my hand and I stopped but I didn't face him.

"The library," I breathed. He spoke of how he'll come along. "No it's quite alright. It'll probably bore you anyway."

"Granger look at me. Look at me Hermione," I looked, "If you don't want me to be there for some reason, you just have to say it, okay?"

"I need to go alone. You can stay in here, I'll be back in a bit."

With that, I left Draco sitting on my floor. I felt slightly bad about it but this was important. Draco didn't have to know.

The flights of stairs were taking a toll on my sore legs but at least I wasn't going up the stairs. I finally got to the library and wandered around u til I saw the slick green fabric on the inside of someone's robes.

I approached him from behind and he turned around quickly and pulled me to the back wall.

"Get off of me, Zabini. What the bloody hell do you want?"

He didn't answer. Instead he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the library and snuck us onto the grounds. We went to the Black Lake.

A clearing opened up next to the lake. It was beautiful.

The trees bent at their roots and grew into a ring facing the lake. The sky had gotten loads darker, full of purples and blues. You could see the stars. Some of the stars were blinking and only then did I realize the air around us was teeming with lightning bugs.

Zabini conjured up two tree stumps for us to sit on. He sat onto the one furthest from the lake and gestured for me to take the other.

Of course, I stayed standing. He's given me no reason to trust him yet.

He gave me a look as if to say Really? and I finally took my seat across from him.

"Alright, Zabini. Out with it. You've gotten me out here, what the hell do you want?"

He stayed silent for a while.

"The reason I was in the shrieking shack," he hesitated for a couple moments, "was because that was the arrangement I made with McGonagall. I go to the shrieking shack when it happens.

"I'm like you, Hermione."

I just sat there. I didn't move or speak. I just sat there. Draco could've found him instead of me. He could've figured out it was Draco! But I just...

I sprung myself into his arms and started to weep silently. He mirrored the action and held the side of my head with his hand, letting his own tears fall into my hair.

"I thought I was alone and that no one would understand!" I cried out into his neck "Thank you. Oh god's thank you so much. You have no idea how much it means to me that I'm not alone in this!"

"The feeling's mutual, Hermione," he mumbled into the side of my head.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes until both of us dried up our tears and headed back to the castle in silence.

Once we got to the doors, we walked together to the disabled common rooms and he walked me to my room and bid me goodnight.

I entered my room and found Draco, sitting up against the wall, sleeping with his head touching the glass. I imagine he fell asleep while looking out into the deep, black water.

My hand found it's way to his hair and smoothed it down a bit.

Using levi corpus, I levitated him onto my bed and stuffed him under the covers. I laid myself next to him and stared into his face for a while.

Hm. So beautiful.

I fell asleep staring into the face of an angel but when I woke up, he'd left without a trace, other than a note on the left side of the bed's pillow case.

Astronomy tower after breakfast?


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