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Hermione's POV

I hurried to breakfast, excited to see Draco afterwards.

Ginny saw me approaching and immediately quieted down. That wasn't like her. I expected her to perk up and try and talk to me but she didn't even acknowledge the fact that I had arrived.

"Gin, is everything alright?"

"Yeah... Everything's fine."

She turned away from me and continued to speak with Luna about Nott.

I let it go on a bit longer, but...

Ginny's POV

Hermione tapped on my shoulder, attempting to get my attention for the second time.

Hesitantly, I turned around to face her. I could see Zabini approaching but it was just a blur in my peripheral vision.

"Ginny, I—"

Zabini tapped her on the shoulder and whispered something into her ear, and a worried look shot across her face.

"I'm sorry, I really have to go. I'll see you at dinner..."

How dare she!

Just as she was about to walk away, I stand and spit the truth out at her.

"Here you go again prioritizing random people to me. Don't spread your time out too thin Hermione, some people might be left out. And the secrets, seriously? I thought you were better than this. See you at dinner."

As I make my way to leave, I feel eyes boring in the side of my head and I turn to see Taviyis glaring at Hermione actually. He looks almost hurt.

I knew Hermione had made new friends. But I didn't know it was to replace the ones she had before.

Hermiones POV

She bumped my shoulder as she walked away. Tears stung my eyes but I didn't let them fall. I stood there for a bit and then turned around and nodded to Zabini.

He led the way and I had this weird feeling that I was forgetting something.

We walked down to the Black Lake, to the spot. I sat on a stump until he seemed like he was ready to talk, his back to me.

"Granger, I— I cant make it stop."

He slowly turned around and I was frozen seeing the thing in front of me.

His jaw had grown the bottom teeth of our other form so much that the fangs gripped onto his upper lip. his eyes turned a neon green and black color, pupils dilated greatly. I saw fur starting at the base of his neck, going down to cover his chest.

"Zabini?" I breathed shakily. "What the hell?"

"I don't know! It started this morning. I woke up and the first thing I notice are my nails turned black so I went to check the mirror and I saw it. You got to help me, Granger, I don't understand. I'm terrified." His face squished up as he sobbed into his words.

Zabini leaned forward and collapsed into my arms, clinging to me for dear life, sobbing.

I flung my arm over his shoulder blade and my hand cradled his neck.

Honestly this is terrifying.

There's no full moon. How could this even be happening.

"Zabini..." I try to get him to look at me, "Blaise, look at me."

He looks up.

"You have to tell McGonagall. You just have to. I... I don't know much about us, I can't understand. You must ask her. I can't keep seeing you like this. In pain, in anguish. Promise me you'll get some help. Promise me, Blaise."

His lip quivered but he nodded anyway. We fell out of our embrace and I helped him to hide his face with charms. We walked back to the castle, by this time it was almost noon.


I was in my room before dinner when a knock was heard from my door. Making my way across the large room, I unlocked and opened the door. Draco was there, an almost disappointed expression on his face. I smiled and invited him in.

"Hey Draco. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I was just a little worried after you didn't show up after breakfast."

"Oh Draco, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot. I was talking to Ginny and then I guess I got completely sidetracked."

"Where'd you go then? You weren't in the common room."

Draco's POV

"I went to the library."

Lie. I don't understand. Why would she lie?

"Granger. I'm just going to skip the bullshit. I saw you walking down to the lake with Zabini."

"Oh, Draco, don't be jealous. There is absolutely nothing to be jealous about," she purred, approaching me.

Her words were meant to comfort me but my blood boiled even hotter. Are you kidding me? Nothing to be jealous of? I have all the confidence in the world, I would not feel threatened by the likes of Blaise Zabini. I love the guy, have since first year, but I'm more sophisticated and frankly, better looking.

I rebound from my mental conversation with myself and go back to being mad. I huffed a big breath and she backed up a little.

While I didn't fill the silence, she walked closer and attempted to put her hands on my face.

I gently ripped her hands from my skin.

"This isn't about being jealous! This is about being lied to! You're better than that!" I shouted.

Her face flushed with those last words.

"Why does everyone keep saying that? Why? Why does everyone have to hold me to impossible standards?" She screamed at me. As if I'm the one at fault here!

I understand what she's saying but really? She isn't the only one. So I told her.

"You're being held to impossible standards? Are you fucking kidding me, Granger? I'm the one who had to be a Malfoy! Had to be unkind to people my entire life! Had to hate muggle borns and halfbloods as if they were any different than myself! Had to treat other people like scum! Had to—"

"Wow! You know, you whine a hell of a lot! You've never had to deal with the pressure of always making the right choices! You can just do the wrong thing and people will look the other way and think 'Oh well, it's just Malfoy!' I don't have tha—"

"'It's just Malfoy.' Wow. I really thought maybe you would have more faith in people's ability to change." I was drained. My voice went completely flat and I turned to walk out the door.

"I should've known that you would make this about yourself! You selfish..."

Stop it.



"...excuse of a reformed..."

Don't. Say. It.

"...Death Eater!"

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