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Draco's POV

I woke up to the bright rays of light cutting through the water. I found myself on the couch with my arms wrapped lightly around Hermione's head, pulling her into my chest. Her body was facing me and her arms were wrapped around my waist. Her right leg was wrapped around mine at the ankle and it seemed like she was still asleep.

A smile creeped on to my face. I hadn't seen her sleep this peacefully in a long time. She looked beautiful. She always looked beautiful. A shooting pain shot through my head.

I really shouldn't have had that much to drink. I tore apart my brain trying to remember what happened last night. It wasn't rare that Hermione and I slept in the same general vicinity. It was rare that she did when I was drunk. She wasn't very fond of me when I had a few drinks. I think her exact words were "You're a slob when you've been drinking. Get off me."

She'd always sleep in her own room.

My head hurt so terribly, I was desperate to make it stop. But I couldn't move. Hermione was comfortable and I wouldn't dare wake her. So I stayed there, basking in my headache.

I looked at her and my pain eased away. Her hair was a mess around her face and I brushed it away from her face. She fiddled with the hem of my shirt in her sleep as she lightly snored.

Subconsciously, I pulled her closer, and shut my eyes tight. I placed a silent kiss atop her head and used the pain of being awake to somehow pander myself back to sleep.

It worked for a while but I woke up again deciding that maybe it would be best to just rest my eyes a bit.

Hermione's POV

I woke and took a deep breath in. He had the same scent as his shirt did the second I woke in his room the very first time.

The poor boy was still sleeping and instead of the light grip he had on me last night, now it was much heavier as he put his weight on me unintentionally. I pulled my head out of his arms and looked up at his pale face. A soft smile subconsciously slid onto my face as I examined his features.

Finally, deciding I needed to get up, I kissed the corner of his mouth lightly.

"Oh how I wish you could remember," I whispered, mostly to myself.

I untangled myself, picked my bra off the floor, and made my way back to my room.

Draco's POV

What did she mean? What happened last night? I anxiously got off the couch once she'd left the room. My bag was on the other side of the room so I jogged there and grabbed my potions textbook. I search in the Table of Contents for memory aiding potions.

A hangover potion. How convenient.

I quickly brewed the potion, luckily it only takes a little under an hour to brew. Ingredients were in a cupboard up against the wall near the glass wall. After I took them, they replenished themselves. Very handy. I read the cautions in the book.

Taking this potion will cause extreme drowsiness and fatigue, but it will take away the pain and expunge your body of the alcoholic toxins. It will also temporarily put you in a trance, replaying the events of which you cannot remember. Warning: The trance may occur over a span of 10 minutes to 2 hours.

That's not so bad. Once the potion had finished brewing and cooling down, I laid down on my bed and drank it. Immediately I felt myself sink lower into the bed as a newfound heaviness had been placed on my body.


And suddenly it all became clear. All that had happened. That's completely mental. I've wanted to do that for months now. And it had to be when I was drunk?

Wasn't damn man enough to do it sober? What the hell, Draco?

Damn it! In the trance I could see what happened. But I couldn't feel it. How I wish I could feel her. How I longed for her touch on my body...

What the bloody hell am I saying?

I shook my head and got ready to go to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Blonde hair caught my eye as I was about to head out the door. I still looked like me!

A piece of parchment was sticking out of my bag and I wrote to Hermione asking her politely to come to my room to change my appearance. The parchment folded itself into a bird and flew under my door, to Hermione's. Just as they do at the Ministry.

It only took about a minute before she knocked on the door. I swung it open a bit to make sure it was her and saw she was wearing a tight, black long sleeve shirt and denim shorts. Her hair was in a half ponytail and natural curls cascaded down her back.

She came in and started right away, a little rushed.

The top of her wand glided through my hair and she popped on my freckles.

"There you go," she said quickly as she rushed through the door.

However, before she could leave completely, I grabbed her arm lightly and pulled her back in, closing the door.

"Granger, what's wrong?" She stared at the floor, staying silent. I lifted her chin up and our eyes met.

"You can't call me that anymore. You mustn't. Taviyis, you have to call me Hermione."

With that she left. Not another word. I chased after her but Nott stepped in front of me.

"Hey mate, I uh heard you're new here. Where're you from?" He had a charming smile on his face. And he was standing very close to me. Nott couldn't be... gay? Could he? "I could show you around sometime, eh?"

He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand and winked after he brushed my bottom lip with his thumb. With that he walked away with the swagger of one twice his age.

Did I just get flirted with by a guy? I shook the thought out of my head and continued to catch up with Hermione. I finally did and quickly slowed my pace and walked next to her.

"Hey, Hermione. You'll never believe what just happened to me back in the common room."

"Really? The hot new kid getting some most wanted attention by a pretty girl?" She teased leaning closer to me, smiling as I blushed.

I walked backwards in front of her.

"Quite the opposite actually. Did you know that Theodore Nott is queer?"

"I did actually. He came out shortly after the war ended. I saw it in The Daily Profit. Oh Merlin, did he try to flirt with you? I would've paid good money to see that go down."


She muttered something about Luna to herself but she said it was nothing.

We continued to walk to the Great Hall and finally we were separated by the house tables.

I made my way to the Slytherin table as the thought struck me. I'm a Hufflepuff now.

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