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Draco's POV

The thought completely eluded my mind. Last night the only reason I broke out my... fun time care package was because I couldn't accept that I'm not a Slytherin anymore.

What the bloody hell am I supposed to make of that? Actually. It was bloody great. I was already getting further and further away from that smug little boy. The less I am like him, the better. I lost the Slytherin part of me. That's a step that resolves loads of what made Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.

I wondered what Hermione thought. The trance showed me that she was a bit upset at my reaction. But the situation elevated too fast before we could speak more over the topic.

The thought of her body on mine as it was that night. Her scent filled my nose despite her being nowhere near me. I wish she was near me. Always near me.

No one crowded around at the end of table, so I decided to sit there. A first year approached me and sat across from me.

The small girl had long straight black hair and big brown eyes. Her skin was very tan and freckles were lazily swept across it. Her nose was small and the bridge was nearly nonexistent. The dark peach color of her lips blended into her skin seeing as they were so thin. She was a short girl. Still und—

"Hi. I'm—"

"Taviyis, I got your time table from Professor McGonagal. Oh! My apologies. I'll just um. I'll be in the common room," Hermione interrupted and quickly left the Great Hall, I assume to the common room or the more likely possibility, the library.

"Sorry. You were saying?"

"Oh! Well, I was just going to say that um. I'm Isabella Nott. It's my first year here. And I hear it's your first year as well. And. Well now it sounds stupid. But I thought we could maybe be friends?"

"You're Theo's sister?" I asked, struck by curiosity. I've known Theo since first year and I never knew anything about him being queer or having even having a sister.

"Well yeah. But I don't want to be known for being related to him. He's kind of a disgrace to the Nott family name," she pushed her thin lips together and looked down. "Because of his... Well because of his deviant sexuality."

"I'm sorry. I don't think we'd be the best match."

With that I strutted out of the Great Hall towards the library, a smirk plastered on my face.


Hermione sat in the furthest corner next to a window. She was curled into a small figure in her seat reading a small book about an inch thick with a woven faded purple cover. I say across from her and she didn't take any notice.

I leaned my face closer to hers over the table trying to catch her attention. It always failed. So instead I sat back and watched her beautiful brown eyes widen with curiosity and excitement as they swept each page.

"Hermione?" I whispered softly, as not to startle her. Her head moved away from the book but her eyes stayed glued to the pages before sharply looking up at me. She raised her eyebrows, asking what I wanted.

"Hermione," I started, hesitantly, "About last night..."

Hermione's POV

Oh Merlin. He couldn't know. He just couldn't.

"What happened last night?" I played dumb. Maybe I could pretend I was drunk too? Maybe that would work. Oh Merlin I'm a terrible liar.

"You don't remember?" He almost sounded hurt, but he quickly formed it into a bland sounding question with no underlying emotions.

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